Re: Recover Request

Berin Lautenbach wrote:
> The RecoverRequest example in the samples that Tommy sent out in Feb
> last year have an Authorisation element.  What is the secret key used
> for validating the signature?  I've tried all sorts of permutations of
> things but seem to be missing something somewhere.

file is .../test/tommy/Part1-Paragraph-267-RecoverRequest.xml

System.out.println( rr.validateKeyBindingAuthenticationSignature(
     Secret.Authentication("A8YUT VUHHU C9H29 8Y43U H9J3I 23")

-> true

Worksforme, or do you mean a different example?

 > I'm wracking my brains on this one, but the old brain cell seems to have
 > failed on me.

Yes, understanding the secrets stuff in XKMS is a great way to spend
time ;-) ... e.g. I'm still not sure about the binary secrets :-/


Received on Monday, 6 March 2006 10:07:36 UTC