RE: XKMS 2: errata: X.509 DNs not in RFC 2253 format

The certificate returned in the example of registration of a client-generated key pair (section 6.1.1) is strange.

The <RegisterRequest> includes:

  <UseKeyWith Application="urn:ietf:rfc:2459"
      Identifier='C="US" O="Alice Corp" CN="Alice Aardvark"' />

The subject distinguished name (DN) in the resulting certificate consists of 1 RDN with 1 attribute (commonName):

  subject rdnSequence:{
      { type commonName, value "Alice Aardvark O=Alice Corp C=US" }

This is too weird.  Presumably DN should consist of 3 RDNs each with a 1 attribute:

  subject rdnSequence:{
      { type countryName, value "US" },
      { type organizationName, value "Alice Corp" },
      { type commonName, value " Alice Aardvark " }

The certificate has 2 extensions: basic constraints indicating that it is an end-entity certificate; and authority key id indicating the CA's key & certificate details.  Both these extensions use very old (deprecated) OIDs ( & and syntaxes!  Even RFC 2459 (which XKMS 2 references, but is itself obsolete) uses newer OIDs for these extensions.  In fact, those OIDs are so old I cannot find their specs!

The certificate serial number is a negative, which is not PKIX-compliant (RFC 3280).

The certificates in other examples are similarly strange.

P.S. Section 10.4 "Security of Limited Use Shared Secret" says a shared secret SHOULD contain a minimum of 32 bits of entropy.  The example in section 6.1.1, however, uses 6 decimal digits "024837", which has less than 20 bits of entropy.

From: Manger, James H 
Sent: Monday, 17 October 2005 10:24 AM

XML-Signature formats X.509 distinguished names (DNs) according to RFC 2253 "LDAP (v3): UTF-8 representation of distinguished names".  XKMS should use the same format...

Received on Monday, 17 October 2005 04:38:03 UTC