StatusRequest usage


Thanks for your previous responses about Status code in requests.

I would have another question about StatusRequest. I'm not sure I 
understand what is their interest.

StatusRequest are used in asynchronous mechanism to check if a previous 
request is still pending or if it has been processed by server.
However, another mechanism, notification (out of XKMS protocol) is also 
used by server to notify client that the request has been processed. 
Isn't this redundant ?
Could it be useful because server does not specify in notification which 
request has been processed ? If I'm right in this comprehension, I think 
that when it receives a notification, client would have to send status 
request for all its pending requests in order to retreive which one has 
been processed. Is it correct ?
I think it could also be possible that the server asynchronous 
notification contains a request reference so that StatusRequest would 
not be useful (as we could imagine in specification 2.5.3 example).

Another question is : how long time must the server me able to respond 
to status requests ? when it has sent the final result to a request, can 
we consider that it does no more respond to relying status requests ?

Thanks in advance

Frédéric Deléon

Received on Thursday, 10 February 2005 16:28:29 UTC