the current ToDo list for moving to PR


[ ] Clean and prepare part-2 for publishing.

Things that need to be done on part-1 to finish preparing
it for publishing. 

[ ] Clean and prepare part-2 for publishing.

[ ] Homogeneize XKISS and XKRSS
    Sometimes the spec uses X-KISS, sometimes XKISS. Same thing for XKRSS.
    What is the most appropriate?

[ ] Tables at p. [120] and [122]
    The anyURI prefix description looks ugly. Move it to the preceding par.
[ ] Table at [122]. Use of Sender or Receiver for the last three minor codes
    Tommy proposes Sender. The text in the spec is not synch. with the
    actual values. See [213], [311], [315], 

[ ] p. [125]
    Vamsi: The "ds:signature/ds:signatureValue" representation format syntax
    should be replaced by a textual description for consistancy.

[ ]
    The spec doesn't specify how to send notifications. This example is 
    misleading.  Tommy proposes the following text (and I like it):

    "The XKMS service notifies the client about the completion of the request 
     processing using the notification mechanism specified in the 
    <PendingNotification> element in the initial request".

Not spec related, but PR related

[ ] Update the WG rooster. Some of the active members have '*' next to them. Why?

[ ] Update the pr request

[ ] Update the issues list


Received on Thursday, 7 April 2005 15:50:43 UTC