Re: Some minor edits

>>[186] X.509 should be replaced by X.500
> I'm confused here. The xmlsig spec states "X.509 distinguished names". I
> wonder if X.509v3 redefined what is a DN, e.g., simplifying it from the
> X.500 definition.  Looking on the web, it seems some people say X.509 DN
> and other people X.500 DN. 
> I don't have the X.509v3 spec. here right now. Could you verify before I
> make the change? If it's X.500, then that's what it will be.

DistinguishedName is the same in both. Strictly this is defined
by X.500, but practically, its only really used by X.509, at
least as far as we care, therefore I'd just about prefer the
X.509 reference.


Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2005 14:44:40 UTC