wbs test-suite online report form


Following my action item, I've created a first draft of the form that
will be used to report the state of implementation:


In onrder to access this form, you'll need to have a W3C account.
If you're a W3C member, you'll have to request a W3C member
account[1]. Otherwise, you'll need to request a W3C public
account[2]. W3C members HAVE to request their member password. If this
is not the case, their answers will be deleted. We will also
delete answers from people who have nout announced on the XKMS
WG public mailing list their intention to participate in the interop.

There is a first section for describing the implementation, who is
making the report and son on. A scond section lists all the
test suite scenarios that Guillermo has proposed so far.

Each time we agree on a new scenario, I'll add it to the form.
Implementors can update their answers as often as they want and, if they
are new questions, they will see them, without loosing their previous

If someone else wants to take over the editing of this form, tell me

Feedback is welcome :)


[1] http://cgi.w3.org/MemberAccess/
[2] http://cgi.w3.org/MemberAccess/Public

Received on Tuesday, 14 September 2004 13:38:09 UTC