Heads up: cleaning of the LC issues list, part-2 typo fix


Following some complaints we got about the current last call issue
list[1], Shivaram and I moved them to the ExIT system[2,3]. This is
a much better and easier way to track issues for both the WG and for
external people and we propose to use it for CR too, unless someone
comes up with a better proposal.

Please give the new issues list [3] a look and write the list if
you find an error. Otherwise, if there are no complaints, I'll change
the links on the home page so that this becomes the official last call
issue list. BTW, these pages were converted from an XML file using
the ExIT makefile XSLT scripts. The XML file that Shivaram and I 
edited is available at [4].

While going thru the issues, I found a typo in part-2, par[51] [5].
Phillp changed the xkms schema so that a number of Id use CName.
There was a trailing "#" in the  RequestId useid in the LocateResponse
message. I removed it. Philip had done so already in all the examples
of part-1.

Have a good weekend!


[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/XKMS/Drafts/xkms-spec-lastcall-issues.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/2003/12/exit/
[3] http://www.w3.org/2001/XKMS/Drafts/last-call-issues/issues.html
[3] http://www.w3.org/2001/XKMS/Drafts/last-call-issues/issues.xml
[5] http://www.w3.org/2001/XKMS/Drafts/XKMS20030826/xkms-part-2.html

Received on Friday, 12 March 2004 11:58:10 UTC