SQLData XKMS Implementation


We have a C++ implementation of XKMS 2.0 with the following features:

1. X-KISS   	Yes
- Message processing mechanism
     - Synchronous response              	Yes
      - Asynchronous response		No
      - Two-phase protocols  	Yes
- Message syntax
      - Compound requests   No
     - Status requests  	No
- Services 
      - Locate				Yes
      - Validate				Yes

2. X-KRSS   	Yes
- Message processing mechanism  Yes
      - Synchronous response  Yes
      - Asynchronous response		No
      - Two-phase protocols  	Yes
- Message syntax   
      - Compound requests			No
      - Status requests			No
- Services    
     - Register    Yes
      - Reissue    Yes
      - Revoke    Yes
      - Recover    Yes
3. Bindings
    - Plain http***				Yes (With SOAP payload)
    - Soap 1.1***				Yes
    - Soap 1.2				Yes
    - Payload authentication **           Yes
    - TLS Bindings **  	Yes (With SOAP payload)

Compound requests and asynchronous request will be supported in the next release. We have a live test service at http://soapclient.com/xml/xkms2 for interoperability tests. Authentication information is available at http://sqldata.com/xkms.htm.

Received on Saturday, 28 February 2004 16:00:42 UTC