template for tests

Hi all,

During last teleconf I agreed to send a template so that others could
contribute with more test scenarios and messages easily. I think this is
quite understandable:

<!-- test "name the test here" -->
<test id="test id here">
  <text>your test description here
<message ref="msg/msgTestNumbera.xml"/>
<message ref="msg/msgTestNumberb.xml"/>

For example, if I am writting a new test scenario similar to the first
one (synchronous locate) but using Two Phase Protocol, I will write
something like:

<!-- test "two phase" -->
<test id="T3">
    Two Phase: A client wishes to obtain an encryption key bound to
bob@example.com, so it can be able to send an encrypted mail to Bob. The
client secure email format is S/MIME. The processing mode is two-phase.
The resulting set of messages will consist of two Locate Requests to the
server and two Locate Responses returned.
<message ref="msg/msgT3a.xml"/>
<message ref="msg/msgT3b.xml"/>
<message ref="msg/msgT3c.xml"/>
<message ref="msg/msgT3d.xml"/>

Notice that there are four messages in this case; no problem about that.

And it would be very useful if along with this xml piece and the xml
messages you could indicate what assertions are being covered. For this
two-phase example it could be:


Talk to you in the call later. I would be pleased to get feedback.

Kind regards,

 - -Guillermo Alvaro

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2004 14:54:19 UTC