level of effort: (Was: Re: Draft minutes of the 13/Apr/2004 XKMS teleconference)

Here's an extract from those minutes:

"The WG charter was automatically extended until June 2004, to take into
account the integration of the new Patent Policy. We will then ask for
an extension to give us time to complete the specification track.
However, if there's not enough WG activity up to that time there's a
risk that a new charter extension won't be accepted. We need to show
that the WG is alive and progressing towards its goals."

Just to be clear. From my p-o-v there's no point whatsoever in
asking for that charter extension unless there is sufficient
effort being devoted to implementation. As it stands today
there's arguably not near enough - even though various folks
have in the past said they'd be implementing, so far we've
only two postings of samples and almost no comments to the
list on those!

I'm sure that we will increase the level of participation over the
next month, but I, for one, do not intend to go through all the w3c
bureaucracy involved in generating a PR etc. unless there's real
interest out there.

So, start writing code and being more noisy on the list folks!

Jose Kahan wrote:
> Available on-line at:
>    http://www.w3.org/2001/XKMS/Minutes/040413-tele.html
> -jose

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2004 14:27:31 UTC