RE: Small suggestion for improving the XKMS issue list

I have no problem with that, one of my main frustrations with managing the
list has been the lack of a tool.

It would be nice if the tool were open source and could be used for other
standards droups as well (IETF, OASIS) I would like to avoid having to learn
multiple tools.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jose Kahan []
> Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 11:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: Small suggestion for improving the XKMS issue list
> Phil,
> While working on the request to move to CR, I wanted to
> quote how many issues we have solved. I went to [1] and
> realized that this page is hard to consult. If I want
> to know if a given issue was solved, I've to follow a
> link and parse thru a mail. If I want to know how many
> issues were sent, open, or close at one time, I've
> to count them by hand.
> Sometimes there are comments in red that say "Fixed" 
> and sometimes not (eg #305, #304, #307). When a given issue 
> is not closed, it's moved out, like in issue #312.
> An issue tracking page I really like is the DOM one [2].
> PLH uses an XML file and a script to produce the page.
> What's really nice IMO is that it gives a good view of the
> status of each issue and the answer to each issue. I can 
> look at how PLH's system works now and install it for us.
> In all cases, I think that it would be useful to break the
> grouping of issues in a single table cell and use rather
> one row per issue.
> [1]
> [2]
> -jose

Received on Friday, 21 November 2003 10:46:02 UTC