XKMS - errors in CompoundResult?


I think there are 2 errors in the XKMS last call schema at
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xkms2-20030418/Schemas/xkms.xsd> :

1. The choice of inner results in CompoundResult should have a minOccurs
attribute of 0, rather than defaulting to 1. The text at paragraph 77 of the
XKMS spec part I indicates that there can be zero or more inner responses.
This makes sense because a service which does not support compound requests
will want to return an empty CompoundResult.

2. The comment field just above the CompoundResult definition mistakenly
refers to it as "CompoundResponse".

- Roland

Received on Monday, 12 May 2003 14:03:30 UTC