Issue #312 part 2 solved; part 1 still open

It's a bit confusing to have two parts in the same issue.

Anyway, for the part concerning:

Clarify use of "#" before the Id values in XKMS Response

I consulted with one of my colleagues and he verified that the
'#' character is not necessary:

<Liam> it's up to the xkms spec to say whether the # is there or not --
I see no need for it though
<Liam> XML doesn't have a concept of # signs having any meaning
<Liam> HTML used to use # before a name, but that was to distinguish it
from a URI, and not because an idref should have a # at the start

I need to check the all the examples to see if there's no trailing
typo. PHM had already removed the '#' when fixing the typo in the

If Liam's answer seems appropriate to you, I propose to edit it
a little and mail it to the two persons who opened it.

Part 1 of #312 is not yet closed:

OriginalRequestId (RequestAbstractType), RespondID (PendingRequest) ,
RequestId (ResultType) should be of type "xsd:NCName" as they are
referring to "xsd:ID" type elements in other XML docs.

This one is related to the XKMS XML schema. I don't know how to solve
it myself. I could ask one of my colleagues unless someone of you
has a hint.


Received on Thursday, 18 December 2003 13:10:24 UTC