Last Call Draft 02 - changes so far

1) Fixed the typo issues in the examples so the wrapping and service URLs
are now fixed
2) Changed the title
3) Removed the schema, added comment [TBS add link]
4) Fixed the color of the soap example in bindings
5) Checked capitalization of Registration Service, it is only capitalized if
it is preceeded by XML Key, i.e. when the title is being used, also fixed
6) Fixed the references 
7) Validate/Verify
        The usage that we are using is that we refer to the complete process
of checking a key as validation, the term verify is used to refer to
individual steps in that process, e.g. checking a cert chain.
8) Took out the sentence Joseph found confusing
9) Fixup of the headers using Joseph's file.
- NB discovered during this that someone has changed the doctype definition
for HTML so that the reg and tm entities are now defined so I don't need to
keep adding them in by hand each time!
Roland's points
10) I fixed the <Multiple> QNames, by hand this time round and also the
source code
11) Fixed the requestor->originator
12) Fixed Certificates
13) The Result element itself is only returned if a more specific element
that inherits from it cannot be returned
14) Changed NotImplemented to MessageNotSupported so that part I and part II
agree on this point.
Roland raised the following issue
[The section ds:Signature] Implies that Exclusive XML Canonicalization is
optional, which I believe disagrees with para 491.
To Do:
Address Blair's remaining points
Renaming and repackaging into the relevant directories

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2003 16:30:33 UTC