issue list review

Note: In the URL Joseph referenced, the figures do not appear,e.g.

Regarding the latest issue list, here are some questions on the items I raised.

Issue 122 - 
So to manage SSL Client certificates, would I use KeyUsage = Exchange, UseKeyWith = TLS
and identifier = client certificate subject DN string? 

For SSL Server cert, KeyUsage= Exchange, UseKeyWith=TLS/HTTPS, identifier = dns address of server (assuming HTTP over SSL)

Perhaps a sentence giving an example or two would be useful.

Issue 206 - 
Is the idea that could be the role for the Locate service, for the validate service etc?
Are standard roles to be defined or is this implementation dependent? (section 4.1.3)

The remainder of the issues I raised should be closed:

Issue 210 - Close (Compound request example not needed in part 2, part 1 covers it adequately).

Issue 119 - close, DONE

Issue 120 - close, DONE (line 86)

Issue 121 - close, DONE

Issue 209 - close, DONE

Issue 211 - close

Digest Authenticated Request  - clarified, close
mention Exclusive Canonicalization or signature extraction from message before verification processing? - done, 2.10.2

regards, Frederick
Frederick Hirsch
Nokia Mobile Phones

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2003 13:40:05 UTC