FW: Issue 5 & 64: Synchronous / asynchronous processing

This is mainly issue 5 but also bears on Joseph's point 64. In addition to
this issue I am also working on related issues that will require a somewhat
more extensive rewrite of this section but I want to make sure we get this
issue addressed separately.

We have a slight problem here with the Must/Should language.
The issue here is how to explain/deal with the following issues:
* We want clients to be compatible with as many services as possible.
* Support for asynchronous processing is quite complex and we cannot make
support a requirement since the notification part of the process is
inevitably out-of scope for this specification.
* Services may not be able to support synchronous processing of registration
requests because there may be procedures that require offline or manual
procedures (e.g. authentication)
Possible language:
Asynchronous processing MAY be used to allow administrator intervention
during the processing of a request. For example an administrator might be
required to verify and approve all XKRSS Registration requests before they
are processed.

XKMS Clients

*	MUST support synchronous processing of X-KISS requests 

*	MUST support synchronous processing of X-KRSS requests 

*	MUST support synchronous processing of compound XKMS requests 

*	MAY support asynchronous processing of X-KISS requests 

*	SHOULD support synchronous processing of X-KRSS requests 

*	SHOULD support synchronous processing of compound XKMS requests

XKMS services 

*	MUST support synchronous processing of X-KISS requests 

*	SHOULD support synchronous processing of X-KRSS requests 

*	MAY support synchronous processing of compound XKMS requests 

*	MAY support asynchronous processing of X-KISS requests 

*	SHOULD support synchronous processing of X-KRSS requests 

*	SHOULD support synchronous processing of compound XKMS requests

In each case the requirement to support a particular processing mode only
applies if the client or service would otherwise support the specified
request type. For example if an XKMS service supports X-KISS requests it
MUST support synchronous processing of those requests but an XKMS service is
not required to support the X-KISS services.


This could be turned into a table but I think that we should have either the
text or the table, not both.

Received on Thursday, 26 September 2002 15:30:19 UTC