Comments on XKMS spec

Here are some comments on XKMS 2.0 part 1, Editors Copy 17th October 2002


Section 8.6 para [321] NotBoundAuthenticationData is not mentioned anywhere

Section A.1 Schema: The comment for CompoundResult calls it
"CompoundResponse". Repeated in para [95].

Section, para [91] "Success" is listed as one of the possible major
result codes for the xkms:Failure minor result code. Is that intentional?

Section 2.8.11 para [94] "If the compound request has the MajorResult..."
should be result rather than request.

Section 3.1.1 para [107] The example LocateRequest has a RespondWith element
of "Multiple" but this is no longer a valid string according to the table in
para [75]. Repeated in para [117].

Section 3.1.2 para [109] The text indicates that the KeyName is requested
but this does not show up in the example request message.

Section 4.1 para [129] ds:KeyID is invalid. Should it be PGPKeyID?

Section 4.1.9 para [162] StatusValue is listed as being optional but this is
not reflected in the schema.

Section 2.8.1 para [62] The Id attribute in MessageAbstractType is of type
ID but the RequestID of ResultAbstractType is of type anyURI. Should these
not be the same?

Received on Thursday, 28 November 2002 15:54:42 UTC