Requirements Last Call: HTTP Bindings

The requirements clearly state that the "specification MUST provide a binding to
SOAP 1.1 (2.1.4). Later, we say that "SOAP 1.1 need not be the only binding defined, but
is required." (2.4.10)

I assume this means that we are not requiring people to use SOAP 1.1 as a communications
protocol, but essentially that is the only one whose binding we are specifying, so that is the
only one that people will be able to rely on using interoperably.

I propose adding a requirement that the specification MUST also provide a binding
to HTTP. HTTP is certainly a widely supported communications protocol and there may
be many devices that can deal with HTTP, but not  with SOAP (such as constrained
devices). Additionally, HTTP is not encumbered with any patents. Although I believe
XML Protocol is being offered on a royalty-free basis, I don't think the same can be
said for SOAP 1.1 (or WSDL for that matter).


PS: Sorry about the late comment, but I believe Stephen said we would accomodate
Last Call comments for a couple of days after April 15.

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2002 17:05:44 UTC