
                    WWW2002 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
         The Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference

                        Sheraton Waikiki Hotel
                        Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
                        May 7-11, 2002


You are cordially invited to actively participate in the 2002
International World Wide Web Conference May 7-11 in Honolulu, Hawaii,
USA. Beginning with the first International WWW Conference in 1994, this
prestigious series of the International World Wide Web Conference
Committee (IW3C2) also provides a public forum for the WWW Consortium
(W3C) through the annual W3C track.

Hawaii's mid-Pacific location and multi-cultural heritage make it the
finest place in the world to draw together a mix of attendees from the
Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. International
researchers, technologists and leaders from industry, academia, and
government will gather at WWW2002 to define, refine, present,
demonstrate and discuss the latest ideas and developments in web
technologies. We want you to be one of them.

You can actively participate in WWW2002 through a variety of activities.
The conference will consist of a three-day technical program, preceded
by a day of tutorials and workshops and followed by a "Developers Day."
Developers Day will be devoted to in-depth technical sessions designed
specifically for web developers. The technical program will include
refereed paper presentations, peer-reviewed presentations, plenary
sessions, panels and poster sessions describing current work. The
tutorials and workshops will provide in-depth looks at specific areas of
current interest.

1.  All manuscripts must be submitted electronically in either HTML or
    PDF format. Manuscripts will be accepted between
    September 1, 2001 and November 13, 2001 at the website to be
    announced at http://www2002.org. Please follow the detailed
    instructions for submission at that site. You will receive
    confirmation within 3 days of the successful receipt of your
2.  Papers must contain original material and not be previously
    published or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere.
3.  The official language of the conference is English.
4.  Each paper must have a title page which includes the title of
    the paper, full name of all authors, and complete addresses
    including affiliation(s), telephone number(s), and e-mail
    address(es). Papers should be no longer than 8,000 words.
5.  The first page of the manuscript should include the title and
    abstract of the paper.
6.  All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 reviewers.

Paper Submission deadline: November 13, 2001
Author Notification: January 25, 2002
Final Paper Due: February 25, 2002


The 2002 International World Wide Web conference seeks original papers
describing research in all areas of the Web.  Submitted papers should be
previously unpublished and not currently under review by another
conference or journal.  Topics include but are not limited to the

   Browsers and User Interfaces
   Electronic Commerce and Security
   Mobility and Wireless Access
   Searching, Querying, Indexing, and Crawling
   Semantic Web

Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee.  Accepted papers
will appear in the conference proceedings published by the Association
for Computing Machinery (ACM) and will also be accessible to the general
public via the WWW2002 Web site.  Authors of special merit papers will
be invited to submit extended versions for publication in a special
issue of the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.


Other program tracks at WWW2002 will address topics of interest through
presentations of current work, panel discussions and demonstrations.
Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee and all accepted
papers will be published in a separate proceeding from the ACM
publication used for the Refereed Papers Track. GeneraI questions about
these alternate tracks can be sent to Dave De Roure. Papers and
presentations are invited in the following areas:

   W3C Track (Prepared by the W3C)
   Global Community (includes culture & society
      and internationalization)
   Practice & Experience
   Vendor Track


The poster area provides an opportunity for researchers and
practitioners to present and demonstrate their recent web-related
research and obtain feedback from their peers in an informal setting. It
gives conference attendees a way to learn about innovative works in
progress in a timely and informal manner. Accepted posters will be
displayed in a dedicated poster area and the presenters featured during
an evening poster reception. Abstracts will appear in a proceedings
volume distributed to all attendees.

Questions about the WWW2002 Technical Program
can be submitted via email to <pcchairs@www2002.org>

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Dave De Roure, University of Southampton, UK
Arun Iyengar, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA



A program of tutorials will cover topics of current interest to Web
design, development, services, operation, use and evaluation.These half-
and full-day sessions will be led by internationally recognized experts
and experienced instructors using prepared content. Inquiries about the
WWW2002 Tutorials can be submitted via email to tutorials@www2002.org

Tutorials & Workshops Co-Chairs
Michael Bieber, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Bebo White, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA



Workshops provide an opportunity for researchers, designers, leaders and
practitioners to explore current web R&D issues through a more focused
and in-depth manner than is possible in a traditional conference
session. Participants typically present position statements and hold
in-depth discussions with their peers within the workshop setting.
Inquiries about the WWW2002 Workshops can be submitted via email to

Tutorials & Workshops Co-Chairs
Michael Bieber, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Bebo White, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA



Developers Day (D-Day) will be devoted to the interests of Web
developers, and will offer in-depth discussions of technologies and
tools at the forefront of the Web. This day-long program will consist of
several parallel streams focused on specific content areas. D-Day
sessions are designed to be timely and state-of-the-art. Inquiries about
the WWW2002 Developers Day can be submitted via email to

Developers Day Chair
Murray Maloney,
Muzmo Communication, Inc.

International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2)
University of Hawaii
Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC)

International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 6.4 on
Internet Applications Engineering (IFIP WG 6.4)

If you have any general questions, please send email to info@www2002.org

Received on Friday, 28 September 2001 13:51:28 UTC