RE: Welcome to XKMS Activity

Congratulations to all those who made this happen.  Congrats and condolences
:-) to our co-chairs.

See notes below.

> 	- Scheduling a phone conference in the next two weeks
> 	  (How about Nov 14, 5pm GMT/12pm EST/9am PST?)

Fine by me.

> 	- Scheduling our first face-to-face meeting,
> 	  (How about co-locating with the next IETF in Salt Lake,
> 	  Dec 10-14?)

Not sure if I'm the only one affected, but that's the same week as the
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) in New Orleans
(  As I'm the program chair for the conference, I have to be
there.  Which might be a good reason to hold the meeting the same week in
Salt Lake :-)


Received on Tuesday, 30 October 2001 17:26:52 UTC