Re: RESEND: Call for Review, XML Key Management Activity Proposal am 16.11.2001 19:14:07


I, Mario Jeckle,

W3C Advisory Committee Representative of

DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology

available via electronic mail at:

having read the XML Key Management System Activity Proposal of 10 2001,
submit a review

   [ ] in support of this proposal as written

   [X] in support of this proposal with the following modifications:

Maybe it should be added that the Key Management allows applications to
interoperate _without a priori knowledge_ of each other.

In section 3, Background, it is mentioned that:
'Yes. The principal concern is that XML Protocol and WSDL may
developed in a manner that does not permit the secure application
of cryptographic enhancements and thus be unable to meet the needs
of either XKMS or future trusted Web Services.'

Perhaps this sounds a little too exaggerated ... XMLP as it currently stands 
permits security at the application layer by the application of XML DSig and 
Encryption directly to the XML encoded payload as well as the transparent usage 
of secure wire protocols like SSL.

   [ ] in opposition to this proposal, unless the following
       modifications are made:

   [ ] in opposition to this proposal for the following reasons:

Should this proposal be approved, we are prepared to participate in
the Activity with the following resources (this expression of support
is provisional, subject to review of any modifications included in
the Director's Decision):

   [ ] We plan to participate in the XML Key Management System
       Working Group and offer this person / these people:

       Given Name . . . :
       Family Name  . . :
       E-mail Address . :
       Telephone Number :
       Employer . . . . :

       Given Name . . . :
       Family Name  . . :
       E-mail Address . :
       Telephone Number :
       Employer . . . . :

       We understand the level of commitment as outlined in the
       Charter. We are willing to commit to this, and support him
       or her with the requisite travel and other expenses related
       to the work in the Working Group.

   [X] We intend to review drafts as they are published
                and send comments.

   [ ] We intend to develop experimental implementations
                and send experience reports.

   [ ] We intend to develop products based on this work.

   [ ] We intend to apply this technology in our operations.

   [ ] We would be interested in participating in any press activity
       connected with this Activity.

   [ ] We do not intend to participate.

Intellectual Property Rights (please choose one)

       [X] We do not have intellectual property rights relating to
           this proposal

       [ ] We have disclosed our IPR following the procedure at


Mario Jeckle
DaimlerChrysler Corporate Research
DaimlerChrysler Forschungszentrum Ulm
PGP public key:


Mario Jeckle
DaimlerChrysler Corporate Research
DaimlerChrysler Forschungszentrum Ulm
PGP public key:


Received on Sunday, 18 November 2001 16:54:32 UTC