XKMS FTF slide presentations


It is a request to all those who made presentations on July 19, 2001 FTF to 
please send their presentations to the list.  

If there is a place that all presentations have been archived and if there is a 
URL to it, I would appreciate someone sending the URL to the list.


Shivaram H. Mysore

Software Engineer 				shivaram.mysore@eng.sun.com
Java Card Engineering				(408) 343-1653 (or x51653)
JavaSoft, Sun Microsystems Inc.			(408) 517-5460 - FAX
http://java.sun.com/people/shivaram 		http://mysore.eng/

Other Email(s) - shivaram.mysore@ieee.org, shivaram.mysore@computer.org
PGP Key fingerprint =  86 C3 94 A6 20 70 FE C9  D6 F4 C2 7D 15 4B 6A CB

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2001 16:44:22 UTC