Re: Issue: Synch/Asynch Web services

   Some clarifications may be in order:

On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 07:29  AM, Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler) 

> I emphasize above that I have mostly concentrated my personal efforts 
> on the concept of synchronous, and although I have some hope that 
> asynchronous may come along fairly easily as the complement of 
> synchronous, nonetheless Frank’s introduction of the concept of 
> rendezvous as a necessary component of asynchronous operations gives 
> me a bit of pause.  Is this a requirement that asynchronous messages 
> carry information not required in synchronous messaging in order to 
> support a later rendezvous?  If so such a requirement might well be 
> discussed more explicitly in the WSA.

The term rendezvous was coined (I believe) by Tony Hoare, in his work 
on Communicating Sequential Processes, from the early 80's. It is not a 
component of asynchronous operations. Put simply, rendezvous means `at 
the same time'; which, for me at any rate, is the core of the meaning 
in synchronous.

I use the phrase `application rendezvous' to mean that two applications 
are `at the same place, at the same time' as a kind of generalization 
of message communication. (This doesn't mean that they are doing the 
same thing of course!) Hoare uses the notion of a rendezvous event.


Received on Monday, 4 August 2003 13:20:36 UTC