- From: LG2007.org <LG2007@politecnicoinnovazione.it>
- Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 19:59:25 +0100
- To: <www-ws@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <cd9d01c761b3$e3f47ec0$4a32a8c0@garofalo.cpi.polimi.it>
We invite you to participate in the “Learning with Games” Conference, 24th – 26th September 2007 Sophia Antipolis, France *** Conference website: *** www.lg2007.org <http://www.lg2007.org/> Sponsors: European Commission - DG Information Society and Media PRIME EU Project Imaginary PROLIX EU Project IPROMS IFIP LABORANOVA EU Project *** Call for Papers *** “Learning with Games” seeks original, high-quality research papers and demos in all areas related to serious games, including social sciences, methodologies and artwork. Research papers should describe results that contribute to advancements to the state-of-the-art of Serious Games. Parallel sessions are foreseen for the presentation of scientific/technical papers. The global gaming community is invited to exploit the conference to disseminate its scientific and technical results. A selection of the presented papers will be published on special issues of the International Journal of Production Planning & Control. Authors are invited to submit an extended abstracts via the web site; these must be at least 1500-word long and must be submitted in .doc format. *** Invitation to Exhibit *** We invite companies, government organizations, and academic institutions to showcase serious games along with all related technologies and services -- hardware, software, integrated systems, innovations, literature or anything else of interest to our conference participants. Posters and research demos will also be located near the exhibits. During the three days of the Forum space and facilities for poster sessions and exhibitions will be made available to participants. *** Important Dates *** Submission of Extended Abstracts for Technical Papers May 31st 2007 Notification of Acceptance June 30th 2007 Submission of Full Papers July 31st 2007 LG 2007 24 September 2007 *** Accommodation and Registration: *** The registration fee is Early bird Registration Fee 500€ Registration Fee 550€ On site registration 650€ And includes: - admission to all the sessions - registration package and conference proceedings - lunches and coffee breaks - gala dinner The venue is the: Grand Hotel Mercure Sophia Country Club **** Located between Nice and Antibes, 15 minutes from Cannes in the the Sophia Antipolis park science. Hotel is built in a 12 hectare landscaped garden and has two swimming pools, twenty tennis courts, golf course, sauna, hammam, gym, bar, deluxe brasserie. *** Topics of interest: *** Topics of interest to “Learning with Games” are, but not restricted to: * Game design * Digital storytelling * Non player characters * Artificial intelligence * Game programming * Game rendering * Audio programming * Visual content creation * Music composition * Game production * Alternate and mixed reality * Gamer communities * Executive learning and teaching * Game physics * Simulation * User interfaces * Online games and networking * Mobile games and ubiquity * Agile development * Case studies * User studies and evaluation * Game critical analysis * Legal, societal and political impact * Intellectual property rights * Distribution models * Learning Evaluation *** Conference Organization: *** Conference Chairs * Marco Garetti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy * Marco Taisch, Politecnico di Milano, Italy * Asbjorn Rolstadas, SINTEF, Norway * Alvaro de Oliveira, AlfaMicro Ltd., Portugal * Lucia Pannese, imaginary, Italy Program Committee * Bjorn Andersen, SINTEF, Norway * Jacopo Cassina, Politecnico di Milano, Italy * Max Möller, Danish University of Education, Denmark * Manuel Oliveira, AlfaMicro Ltd., Portugal Local Organising Committee * Jacopo Cassina, Politecnico di Milano, Italy * Marco Gerosa, Politecnico di Milano, Italy * Marco Taisch, Politecnico di Milano, Italy * Chiara Zigliani, Consorzio Politecnico Innovazione, Italy International Scientific Committee * Maria Anastasiou, Intracom, Greece * Slavko Dolinsek, University of Primorska, Slovenia * Heiko Duin, BIBA, Germany * Poul Kyvsgaard Hansen, Aalborg University, Denmark * Dimitris Kiritsis, EPFL, Switzerland * Paul Lefrere, The Open University, United Kingdom * Julien Etienne Mascolo, CRF, Italy * Roumen Nikolov, Sofia University, Bulgaria * Petko Rouskov, Sofia University, Bulgaria * Angela Sasse, University College of London, United Kingdom * Leonie Schaefer, European Commission - DG IST * William Seager, University College of London, United Kingdom * Ritta Smeds, Helsinki University of Technology * Ingrid Spjelkavik, SINTEF, Norway * Klaus D. Thoben, BIBA, Germany * Josef Withalm, Siemens, Austria “Learning with Games” 24th – 26th September 2007 Sophia Antipolis, France www.lg2007.org <http://www.lg2007.org/>
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Received on Friday, 16 March 2007 08:37:32 UTC