Extended deadline - CfP (IEEE CBMS-07) Grids for Biomedicine and Bioinformatics Special Track

*** Extended submission deadline: February 15, 2007 ***

Dear all,

the deadline of the IEEE CBMS 2007 has been extended.

Submissions for CBMS and "Grids for Biomedicine and Bioinformatics" track
are possible until February 15, 2007.


Best Regards,
Maria Mirto

PhD Maria Mirto

National Nanotechnology Laboratory (NNL/CNR-INFM) - www.nnl.it
Euromediterranean Center for Climate Changes - https://www.cmcc.it
SPACI Consortium - www.spaci.it

Via per Monteroni - 73100 Lecce (Italy)
email: maria.mirto@unile.it
web: www.cact.unile.it/staff/mirto
office: (+39) 0832.29.7304-8123
fax: (+39) 0832.29.7279

We apologize if you received multiple copies of this Call for Papers.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.

Special Track on Grids for Biomedicine and Bioinformatics.

      CBMS 2007: IEEE on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)

         Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
                   June 20-22, 2007
                   Maribor, Slovenia

Call for Papers
Biomedicine and Bioinformatics are quickly evolving into a research field
that encompasses the use of all kinds of biomedical information, from
genetic and proteomic data to image data associated with particular
patients in clinical settings. Biomedical Informatics comprises the fields
of Bioinformatics (e.g., genomics and proteomics) and Medical Informatics
(e.g., medical image analysis), and deals with issues related to the
access to information technology in medicine, the analysis of genomics
data, security, interoperability and integration of data-intensive
biomedical applications.
What is missing today is:
  • the full integration of these methods and technologies to enhance all
phases of health care, including diagnosis, prognosis, etc.;
  • the dissemination of such methods in the clinical practice, whenever
they are developed, deployed and maintained.
The grid paradigm offers CPU and data handling capabilities and allows
users and laboratories to share their facilities (computing and data
storage resources, instruments, knowledge, etc.) through high bandwidth
networks between dynamically formed Virtual Organizations.
Grid middleware currently offers basic services for Grid management, and
application development and deployment. To face the complexity of novel,
cooperative, distributed Health and Bioinformatics applications, new
specialized Grid services have to be developed: in such a way Grids can be
deployed to address the needs of the biomedical community.
Grid middleware, used as the integrative middleware, has matured from its
prototypical state to an expanding network of Grid services. With that, it
has started to be enthusiastically embraced by the Biomedical Informatics
community for its use in complex interactive computational environments
that provide integrated facilities to scientists for ubiquitous
computation, efficient data access, and high quality visualization,
generally known as Problem Solving Environments (PSEs).
The main goal of the track is to discuss well-known and emerging bio
data-intensive systems in the context of Grids and to analyse technologies
and methodologies useful to develop such systems in these environments.

TOPICS OF INTEREST include, but are not limited to:
      •        Grid Infrastructures for Biomedical Data Analysis and
      •        Problem Solving Environments for Biomedical and Bioinformatics
      •        GRID based application in life science
      •        Workflow application for complex analysis processes
      •        High Throughput for in-silico virtual screening
      •        Grid Computing Infrastructures, Middleware and Tools for
      •        Grid Computing Biomedical Services
      •        Collaboration Technologies
      •        Databases and the Grid in the Biomedical Field
      •        Extracting Knowledge from Biomedical Data Grids
      •        Data Grids for Bioinformatics
      •        Grid Architectures for Interactive Biomedical Applications
      • Grid Architectures and Solutions for Data-Intensive Biomedical
      • Grid-based Biomedical Informatics Interoperability
      • Security in Biomedical Data Grids
      • Semantic Grids for Multimedia Biomedical Data
      • Ubiquitous Access to Grid-enabled Applications in Biomedicine
      • High-performance Computing for Data-Centric Biomedical Applications
      • Grid-based Visualization of Biomedical Data
      • Integration of Grid-enabled Applications into Clinical Practice

February 15, 2007                 Submission of (6-page, maximum) paper
March 15, 2007                    Notification of acceptance
April 15, 2007                    Final camera-ready paper due
April 15, 2007                    Pre-registration deadline

Paper Submission and Publication

Submitted papers have to be original, containing new and original results..
are two possibilities for initially submitting a paper:
  * A full paper (6 pages). It is strongly encouraged to submit a full paper,
which enables reviewers to assess it more objectively and authors to
substantially improve the paper based on the review feedback. In this way,
high quality of this conference series can be adequately maintained and/or

  * A summary (3 pages). CBMS 2007 serves also as a forum for exchanging
interesting and novel results of a work in progress and in this manner
participants with an opportunity to come up-to-date on important issues.
In this
way, the 3-pages summaries are also accepted in the case that a full paper
not be delivered until the deadline.

There are two possibilities for presenting an accepted paper: oral
(regular papers) or poster presentation (short papers). Authors can also
indicate their preference when submitting a paper. The final decision will be
made by the Program Committee based on the reviews. All papers will be
peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.

Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register
and present the paper at the CBMS 2007 Symposium. All papers will be peer
reviewed by at least two independent referees. All accepted papers will be
included in the conference proceedings.

At least one of authors must pre-register to have the paper published in the
proceedings. If you only plan to attend and are not submitting a paper,
pre-registration is still strongly encouraged. This conference is
and registration may not be available on-site.

For further questions, please contact: maria.mirto@unile.it

Track Chairs
* Giovanni Aloisio (University of Lecce, Italy)
* Maria Mirto (University of Lecce, Italy)
* Almerico Murli (University of Naples, Italy)
* Alfredo Tirado-Ramos (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Track Program Committee

* Dave S. Angulo DePaul University, USA
* Robert G. Belleman University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Christian Barillot  Campus de Beaulieu, France
* Vincent Breton CNRS/IN2P3, LPC Clermont-Ferrand, France
* Marian Bubak  Institute of Computer Science, Poland
* Mario Cannataro University "Magna Gręcia" of Catanzaro, Italy
* Sandro Fiore University of Lecce, Italy
* Andreas R. Formiconi Dept. of Clinical Pathophysiology - University of
Florence, Italy
* Carole Goble University of Manchester, UK
* Concettina Guerra  University of Padova, Italy
* Vicente Hernandez Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
* Dieter Kranzlmueller Joh. Kepler University Linz, Austria
* Giuliano Laccetti, University of Naples, Italy
* Yannick Legre CNRS/IN2P3 France
* Nick Mankovich Philips Medical Systems, USA
* Robert L. Martino National Institutes of Health, USA
* Silvia D. Olabarriaga University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Cecilia Saccone ITB/CNR Institute of Biomedical Technologies of Bari, Italy
* Fabrizio Silvestri Information Science and Technology Institute (ISTI),
CNR Pisa, Italy
* Peter M.A. Sloot University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Tony Solomonides University of West of England, UK

Received on Saturday, 27 January 2007 19:52:48 UTC