- From: David Cummings <wsctokyo07@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 14:09:11 -0600
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The contents of the latest issue of: International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE) Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association Volume 1, Issue 4, October-December 2006 Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically ISSN: 1554-1045 EISSN: 1554-1053 Published by Idea Group Inc., Hershey, PA, USA www.idea-group.com/ijitwe Co-Editors-in-Chief: Ghazi Alkhatib, Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan David Rine, George Mason University, USA Special Issue: 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mobile Multimedia (MoMM 2005) and the 7th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-Based Applications and Services (iiWAS 2005) GUEST EDITORIAL PREFACE: "Data Modelling and Retrieval in Web and Wireless Network" Eric Pardede, Guest Editor, La Trobe University, Australia David Taniar, Guest Editor, Monash University, Australia This issue consists of two extended articles from two international conferences: The 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mobile Multimedia (MoMM 2005) and the 7th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-Based Applications and Services (iiWAS 2005). Both conferences were held in September 2005 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The conferences attracted articles from academics and researchers from all over the world. The joint event was a great success and attracted the highest number of participants in the history of International Organization for Information Integration and Web-Based Applications & Services (@WAS). In addition, the guest editors reviewed and accepted three additional articles from among the regular submissions to the editors of the IJITWE. RESEARCH ARTICLES PAPER ONE: "eDAR Algorithm for Continuous KNN Queries Based on Pine" Maytham Safar, Kuwait University, Kuwait Dariush Ebrahimi, Kuwait University, Kuwait The continuous K nearest neighbor (CKNN) query is an important type of query that continuously finds the KNN to a query point on a given path. This article focuses on moving queries issued on stationary objects in spatial network database (SNDB). The result of this type of query is a set of intervals (defined by split points) and their corresponding KNNs. This means that the KNN of an object travelling on one interval of the path remains the same all through that interval until it reaches a split point where its KNNs change. Existing methods for CKNN are based on Euclidean distances. In this article, a new algorithm is proposed for answering CKNN in SNDB where the important measure for the shortest path is network distances rather than Euclidean distances. DAR and eDAR algorithms are proposed to address CKNN queries based on the progressive incremental network expansion (PINE) technique. The experiments show that the eDAR approach has better response time, and requires fewer shortest distance computations and KNN queries than approaches that are based on VN3 using IE. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. http://www.idea-group.com/articles/details.asp?id=6649 PAPER TWO: "Text Summarization Based on Conceptual Data Classification" Jihad M. ALJa'am, University of Qatar, Qatar Ali M. Jaoua, University of Qatar, Qatar Ahmad M. Hasnah, University of Qatar, Qatar F. Hassan, University of Qatar, Qatar H. Mohamed, University of Qatar, Qatar T. Mosaid, University of Qatar, Qatar H. Saleh, University of Qatar, Qatar F. Abdullah, University of Qatar, Qatar H. Cherif, University of Qatar, Qatar This article presents an original approach for text summarization using conceptual data classification. The authors show how a given text can be summarized without losing meaningful knowledge and without using any semantic or grammatical concepts. In fact, concept date classification is used to extract the most interacting sentences from the main text and ignoring the other meaningless sentences in order to generate the text summary. The approach is tested on Arabic and English texts with different sizes and different topics and the obtained results are satisfactory. The system may be incorporated with the indexers of search engines over the Internet in order to find key words and other pertinent information of the new deployed Web pages that would be stored in databases for quick search. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. http://www.idea-group.com/articles/details.asp?id=6650 PAPER THREE: "A Prediction-Based Flexible Channel Assignment in Wireless Networks Using Road Topology Information" G. Sivaradje, Pondicehrry Engineering College, India R. Nakkeeran, Pondicehrry Engineering College, India P. Dananjayan, Pondicehrry Engineering College, India This article proposes a novel prediction technique which uses road topology information for prediction. The proposed scheme uses real-time positioning information and road topology information, which matches with the real environment. The scheme uses flexible channel assignment to maintain a better tradeoff between forced termination and call blocking probabilities. For reservation of resources in advance, the information about future handoffs is obtained from the road topology prediction technique. To show the effectiveness of the prediction scheme and flexible channel assignment scheme, this work aims at simulation of other channel assignment strategiesfixed and dynamic channel assignment strategy with and without incorporating the prediction based on road topology information. It gives accurate prediction results, which helps to maintain a better QoS and resource management. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. http://www.idea-group.com/articles/details.asp?id=6651 PAPER FOUR: "A Deterministic Approach to XML Query Processing with Efficient Support for Pure and Negated Containments" Dunren Che, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA This article reports the result of the author's recent work on XML query processing/optimization, which is a very important issue in XML data management. In this work, in order to more effectively and efficiently handle XML queries involving pure and/or negated containments, a previously proposed deterministic optimization approach is largely adapted. This approach resorts to heuristic-based deterministic transformations on algebraic query expressions in order to achieve the best possible optimization efficiency. Specialized transformation rules are thus developed, and efficient implementation algorithms for pure and negated containments are presented as well. Experimental study confirms the validity and effectiveness of the presented approach and algorithms in processing of XML queries involving pure and/or negated containments. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. http://www.idea-group.com/articles/details.asp?id=6652 PAPER FIVE: "Web Data Warehousing Convergence: From Schematic to Systematic" D. Xuan Le, La Trobe University, Australia J. Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe University, Australia David Taniar, Monash University, Australia This article proposes a data warehouse integration technique that combines data and documents from different underlying documents and database design approaches. The well-defined and structured data such as relational, object-oriented and object relational data, semi-structured data such as XML, and unstructured data such as HTML documents are integrated into a Web data warehouse system. The user specified requirements and data sources are combined to assist with the definitions of the hierarchical structures, which serve specific requirements and represent a certain type of data semantics using object-oriented features including inheritance, aggregation, association, and collection. A conceptual integrated data warehouse model is then specified based on a combination of user requirements and data source structure, which creates the need for a logical integrated data warehouse model. A case study is then developed into a prototype in a Web-based environment that enables the evaluation. The evaluation of the proposed integration Web data warehouse methodology includes the verification of correctness of the integrated data, and the overall benefits of utilizing this proposed integration technique. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. http://www.idea-group.com/articles/details.asp?id=6653 ***************************************************** For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE) in your institution's library. If your library is not currently subscribed to this journal, please recommend an IJITWE subscription to your librarian. ***************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS Mission of IJITWE: The main objective of the journal is to publish refereed papers in the area covering Information Technology (IT) concepts, tools, methodologies, and ethnography, in the contexts of global communication systems and Web engineered applications. In accordance with this emphasis on the Web and communication systems, the journal publishes papers on IT research and practice that support seamless end-to-end information and knowledge flow among individuals, teams, and organizations. This end-to-end strategy for research and practice requires emphasis on integrated research among the various steps involved in data/knowledge (structured and unstructured) capture (manual or automated), classification and clustering, storage, analysis, synthesis, dissemination, display, consumption, and feedback. The secondary objective is to assist in the evolving and maturing of IT-dependent organizations, as well as individuals, in information and knowledge based culture and commerce, including e-commerce. Coverage of IJITWE: Case studies validating Web-based IT solutions Competitive/intelligent information systems Data analytics for business and government organizations Data and knowledge capture and quality issues Data and knowledge validation and verification Human factors and cultural impact of IT-based systems Information filtering and display adaptation techniques for wireless devices Integrated heterogeneous and homogeneous workflows and databases within and across organizations and with suppliers and customers Integrated user profile, provisioning, and context-based processing IT Education and Training IT readiness and technology transfer studies Knowledge structure, classification and search algorithms or engines Metrics-based performance measurement of IT-based and Web-based organizations Mobile, location-aware, and ubiquitous computing Ontology and semantic Web studies Quality of service and service level agreement issues among integrated systems Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) research and applications in web engineered systems Security, integrity, privacy and policy issues Software agent-based applications Strategies for linking business needs and IT Virtual teams and virtual enterprises: communication, policies, operation, creativity, and innovation Web systems architectures, including distributed, grid computer, and communication systems processing Web systems engineering design Web systems performance engineering studies Web user interfaces design, development, and usability engineering studies Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission guidelines at http://www.idea-group.com/ijitwe All inquiries and submissions should be sent to: Ghazi Alkhatib at alkhatib@asu.edu.jo or David Rine at drine@gmu.edu
Received on Monday, 22 January 2007 20:09:28 UTC