Call for Workshop Proposals: SOCA-07

Call for Workshop Proposals

The 5th IEEE International Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA-07)

Newport Beach, California, June 19-20, 2006

The SOCA'07 Organizing Committee invites proposals for the Workshop
Program to be held on June 18th immediately prior to the main
technical program of the SOCA'07 conference. The main goal of the
SOCA'07 workshops is to address emerging sub-areas of service-oriented
computing. Workshops should be organized to facilitate informal
discussion and active engagement among attendees. Workshops on new
emerging topics or specific relevant aspects of broader topics are
particularly encouraged. Workshops can vary in length, but most will
be one full day in duration. Workshop organizers and attendees must
register for their workshop and possibly for the main SOCA'07

Proposal Format

To propose a workshop in SOCA'07, you will submit a complete workshop
proposal containing the following information:

* The title of the workshop;
* A description of the technical issues that the workshop will address
and type of papers/venue anticipated
* The names, bio, affiliations, postal address, phone and fax numbers,
and e-mail addresses of the workshop organizers
* A list of potential program committee members, including their affiliations
* The expected number of attendees
* A draft workshop call for papers
* The expected date and duration of the workshop

All proposals should be submitted by electronic mail to the Workshops
Chair, Dr. M. Brian Blake (blakeb(AT), in PDF

Proposals will be evaluated on an on-going basis as they are
submitted. However, potential organizers should note the expected
timeline below.

Timeline for Workshop Organization

January/February 2007:
  Advertisement & Paper Solicitation
March 5, 2007:
  Workshop Paper Submissions Due
March 23, 2007:
  Decision & Notification
April 10, 2007:
  Deadline for camera-ready versions
June 4, 2007:
  Workshop Program and Participant Lists should be finalized
June 18, 2007:
  SOCA'07 Workshops

Received on Monday, 15 January 2007 04:00:56 UTC