1st European Semantic Technology Conference (ESTC 2007) - Call for Presentations


1st European Semantic Technology Conference (ESTC 2007)

31 May – 1 June 2007
Vienna, Austria
 <blocked::BLOCKED::http://www.estc2007.com/> http://www.estc2007.com/

Contributions should consist of a presentation (PPT) to be given at the
conference and an accompanying short paper (five pages) for submission and
publication in the conference proceedings.  We particularly are interested
in joint contributions of users and providers of Semantic Technology.

Contributions (only 5-page paper) are submitted through the conference
website in PDF.


5-page paper submission due: April 6, 2007

Notification of acceptance: April 20, 2007

Deadline for final version of 5-page paper: April 27, 2007

Presentations at the conference: May 31 – June 1, 2007

The European Semantic Technologies Conference (ESTC) is the leading European
forum to bring together those who use Semantic Technologies in their
business, those who implement Semantic Solutions and those who build
semantically-enabled products.

With semantic technology becoming increasingly mature and commercially
deployed, the need for a European industrial event (to complement existing
academic events) is evident.

For the first ESTC, we are seeking contributions of:

• Businesses and public organizations describing their practical experience
(case studies) in using Semantic Technologies (the problem, the solution,
initial expectations, the project, results, cost/benefit)
• Vendor reports on semantically-enabled products and solutions
• Analyst reports on the current market situation for Semantic Technologies

In particular, we invite the submission of case studies, reports and
practical experience papers in the following subject areas:

• Experience of Business Deployments of Semantic Web technologies
  - value proposition and business case,
  - return on investment,
  - ease of adoption of technologies,
  - gaining end-user acceptance,
  - problems encountered in deploying semantic technology,
  - limits (and limitations) of semantic technology today,
  - dos and don’ts of applying semantic technology,
  - recognising the need – when to apply semantic technology,
  - integration with legacy systems, and so on;

• Semantic Technology market in Europe and globally;
• Semantic Technology for Data and Information Integration;
• Business Rules and Vocabularies;
• Management of content and unstructured data in legacy systems;
• Semantic Technology for Knowledge Management;
• Business Process Management;
• Ontology Engineering: knowledge acquisition, ontology creation and
management (e.g. evolution, evaluation);
• Semantic Web for e-Business, e-Health, e-Government, Multimedia,
• Semantic Interoperability in Data and Services for the Enterprise;
• Semantic Web Services Tools and Applications;
• Semantic Mining for Business Intelligence;
• Semantic Searching, Querying, Navigation and Browsing;
• Semantic Annotation of Data, Resources and Services.

Contributions will be reviewed by the organization committee with advice
from the ESTC Program Advisory Board.

Program Chair: Dr. V. Richard Benjamins, iSOCO (ES)

Program Advisory Board:

Mark Musen, Stanford University (US)
Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe (DE)

María Jesús Fernandez, City of Zaragoza (ES)
Steve Robertshaw, DSTL (UK)

Jürgen Angele, Ontoprise, (DE)
Luis Bas, Bankinter (ES)
Jesús Contreras, iSOCO (ES)
Atanas Kiryakov, Ontotext (BG)
Ora Lassila, Nokia (US)
Andreas Presidís, Biovista (GR)
Ralph Traphoener, Empolis (DE)

Research Analysts
Christopher Harris-Jones, OVUM (UK)
Mark Crocker, OTR (UK)

José M. Alonso, W3C (ES)

Venture Capitalists
Mark Greaves, Vulcan Inc. (US)
Juan de Tejada, Alta Partners (ES)

For more information please visit:
<blocked::blocked::http://www.estc2007.com/> http://www.estc2007.com/

Ilona Zaremba
DERI Innsbruck
University of Innsbruck
Technikerstrasse 21a
A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43/512/507/96818
Fax +43/512/507/9872
E-mail: ilona.zaremba@deri.org

Received on Thursday, 8 February 2007 16:35:26 UTC