Announcing WS-Gov Workshop at ICWS 2007

International Workshop
on Adaptive Web Service Governance (WS-Gov)

in conjunction with the

IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007)
Salt Lake City, Utah, July 9-13, 2007


Service-oriented architectures provide an environment where multiple
organizations can integrate their capabilities via their underlying
web services. However, the openness of these collaborative, enterprise
environments may pose challenges to the management of the
multi-organization system.  It is likely that organizations and
individuals alike may introduce new web services and protocols that
may be inconsistent with system-wide performance, security, and
culture.  Such introductions to the environment may significantly
impact the IT systems of multiple organizations interacting within the

The 2007 International Workshop on Adaptive Web Service Governance
(WS-Gov'07) seeks to bring together a forum researchers and industry
engineers to discuss these issues related to web service management.
As such, the organizers welcome unpublished papers that discuss
research, applications, and experiences within this area. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

* Automated, Semi-automated, and Adaptive approaches to web service management
* Discovery of "rogue" web services
* Enterprise monitoring for service management
* Monitoring/Dashboard approaches for service governance
* Collaboration policies for effective service management
* Automated, semi-automated approaches for service-oriented policy enforcement


Authors should submit electronically a full paper (PDF file only)
limited to 8 pages in IEEE Proceedings format to blakeb [AT] At least one author is required to register and
attend the workshop to present the paper. The contact author should be
footnoted with full contact information.


March 15, 2007: Workshop Paper Submissions Due
April 15, 2007: Decision & Notification
April 30, 2007: Deadline for camera-ready versions
July 8-9, 2007: Workshop Program @ ICWS-07


M. Brian Blake, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Georgetown University
blakeb [AT]

Doug Troester
Principal Engineer
The MITRE Corporation

Frank Petroski
Director, Network and Distributed Systems
The MITRE Corporation


Janet Manu, The MITRE Corporation
Kit Lueder, The MITRE Corporation
Gary Seamans, The MITRE Corporation

Other committee members TBD

Received on Monday, 5 February 2007 20:06:14 UTC