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                     C A L L  F O R  P A P E R S

                  DESIGN AND COMPOSITION (WESOA'06)

   In conjunction with the 4th Int. Conference on Service Oriented
             Computing (ICSOC 2006)

                  Chicago, USA, December 4th, 2006

                       WESOA Workshop Website

             Paper Submission Due: September 25th, 2006


 With  the  growing  acceptance  of  service-oriented  computing  and
 increasing number of large-scale  Web Services projects there  is an
 urgent need for the research community and industry practitioners to
 combine in  an effort  to develop  comprehensive methodologies  that
 support the entire life-cycle  of service oriented applications.  To
 ensure  that  the  resulting  services  are  stable,  reusable   and
 extendable such  methodologies must  be based  on sound  engineering
 principles and  guide the  developers through  the analysis, design,
 implementation and deployment phases of services life-cycle.

 A key challenge that needs to be addressed involves the  unification
 of service design and composition methods. Service -oriented  design
 needs to determine what  constitutes a service component  and decide
 about the appropriate  level of service  granularity. It is  equally
 important  to correctly  define the  assembly of  complex composite
 services  over  multiple levels  of  abstraction, and  to  use these
 aggregated services  to construct  application systems.  The current
 lack of agreement about  basic principles that should  guide service
 design and composition makes it difficult for comprehensive  service
 life-cycle methodologies to emerge.

 Both  service design  and service  composition are  active  research
 areas at  present. However,  the two  problem areas  overlap and can
 benefit from interchange of ideas and unification of approaches.  To
 reflect on  dependencies and  synergies between  service design  and
 service composition  the WESOA'06  workshop combines  two successful
 previous  ICSOC   2005  workshops:   those  on   "Design of  Service
 -Oriented   Applications"     (WDSOA'05)   and     on   "Engineering
 Service  Compositions"  (WESC'05), focusing  on  unified design  and
 composition methods for reusable service components.

 WESOA'06 encourages  a multidisciplinary  perspective and  we invite
 papers that address the challenges of service design and composition
 in  the  context  of domains  such  as  travel, financial  services,
 government, education, and virtual organizations. A key objective of
 the  WESOA'06  workshop  is   to  bring  together  researchers   and
 practitioners and  provide a  platform for  exchange of  ideas about
 issues concerning service life-cycle  with specific focus on  design
 and composition of services.


 WESOA'06  welcomes  research  submissions on  all topics  related to
 design  and  composition  aspects  of  engineering  service-oriented
 applications, including but not limited to those listed below:

 * Engineering methods supporting service-oriented development life -
 * Service assembly, composition and aggregation models and languages
 * Engineering methods for design of reusable and composable services
 * Design by visual and textual specification of service structures
 * Adapting existing software engineering methods, e.g. MDA, AOP,
   Test-Driven development for service-oriented applications
 * SOA architectural styles and standards
 * Contract and policy design for service components and compositions
 * Choreography and orchestration design
 * Quality assurance and evaluation methods for complex service-
   oriented applications
 * Tools support for service-oriented design and composition
 * Web Service design and development case studies and best practice


 Authors  are  invited  to  submit  original,  previously unpublished
 research  papers.  Papers  should be written in English and must not
 exceed   12 pages,   strictly   following   Springer   LNCS    style
 (  including all text,
 references,  appendices,  and  figures.  Please,  submit  papers  to  PDF  format  is  preferred,   but
 portable Postscript format  is also acceptable.

 All   submissions   will   be   peer-reviewed   by  the members   of
 the international  program-committee. Paper acceptance will based on
 originality, significance,  technical  soundness,  and  clarity   of
 presentation. Accepted  papers  will  be included   in the  workshop
 proceedings, and the proceedings will be made available prior to the
 workshop on the workshop website. Final versions of the accepted
 papers will be published by Springer LNCS.

 At  least  one  author  of  an  accepted  paper  must  register  and
 participate in the workshop.  Registration is subject to  the terms,
 conditions and  procedure of  the ICSOC  conference to  be found  on
 their website


 * Paper Submission Due: September 25, 2006
 * Notification of Acceptance: October 23, 2006
 * Camera-Ready Copy Due: November 3, 2006
 * Workshop Date: December 4, 2006


 * M. Aiello, University of Trento, Italy
 * D. Benslimane, LIRIS, France
 * A. Blair, Biz Integration, Australia
 * P. Brebner, CSIRO Canberra, Australia
 * M. Cameron, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
 * W. Cheung, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
 * J.-Y. Chung, IBM T.J. Watson Research, USA
 * V. D'andrea, University of Trento, Italy
 * S. Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
 * W. Emmerich, University College London, United Kingdom
 * O. Etzion, IBM Research Laboratory in Haifa, Israel
 * G. Feuerlicht, Sydney University of Technology, Australia
 * H. Foster, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
 * I. Gorton, UNSW NICTA, Australia
 * P. Greenfield, CSIRO, Australia
 * R. Gronmo, SINTEF ICT, Norway
 * J. Grundy, University of Auckland, New Zealand
 * M. Hauswirth, DERI Galway, Ireland
 * J. Hernandez, University of Extremadura, Spain
 * C. Hong, IBM China Research Lab, China
 * W. Lamersdorf, University of Hamburg, Germany
 * M. Little, Arjuna, USA
 * H. Ludwig, IBM Research, USA
 * E.M. Maximilien, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
 * M. Mecella, Univ. Roma LA SAPIENZA, Italy
 * D. Moldt, University of Hamburg, Germany
 * J. Noll, Telenor R&D, Norway
 * G. Ortiz Bellot, University of Extremadura, Spain
 * M. Papazoglou, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
 * G. Pavlik, Oracle, USA
 * P. Plebani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
 * T. Risse, Fraunhofer Society, Germany
 * C. Rolland, University of Paris, France
 * D. Roman, DERI Innsbruck, Austria
 * S.N. Subramanian, Tavant Technologies, USA
 * S. Tai, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA
 * W.-T. Tsai, Arizona State University, USA
 * W.-J. van den Heuvel, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
 * J. Webber, ThoughtWorks, Australia
 * A. Wombacher, University of Twente, The Netherlands
 * A. Zhou, Fudan University, China
 * C. Zirpins, University College London, United Kingdom

 *Candidates, confirmation pending


  Jen-Yao Chung
  IBM T.J. Watson Research, USA

  Wolfgang Emmerich
  University College London, UK

  George Feuerlicht
  University of Technology Sydney, Australia

  Winfried Lamersdorf
  University of Hamburg, Germany

  Guadalupe Ortiz
  University of Extremadura, Spain

  Christian Zirpins
  University College London, UK

 If you have further queries please email to the workshop chairs  on:
 wesoa06 <at>


Received on Tuesday, 12 September 2006 12:08:42 UTC