Re: Where to report errata in published specs?

Hello Rick,

The editors' names in the spec are links with email addresses.

I suggest you write to one or more of them. I am not sure whether
W3C's WSDL 2.0 specification has the same error; if it does, please
find the address for comments in the status section of that document.

Thank you for the heads-up,

 _ Ian

On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 07:21 +0000, Rick Bullotta wrote:
> Hello!
> After much hair pulling attempting to get a certain WSDL test scenario
> to work, I realized that there is a substantial error in the WSDL 1.1
> specification/technical report.
> In numerous cases in the document, the service-to-port binding:
>             <service name="StockQuoteService">
>                         <documentation>My first
> service</documentation>
>                         <port name="StockQuotePort"
> binding="tns:StockQuoteBinding">
>                                     <soap:address
> location=""/>
>                         </port>
>             </service>
> …should actually be….
>             <service name="StockQuoteService">
>                         <documentation>My first
> service</documentation>
>                         <port name="StockQuotePort"
> binding="tns:StockQuoteSoapBinding">
>                                     <soap:address
> location=""/>
>                         </port>
>             </service>
> Note the change from “StockQuoteBinding” to “StockQuoteSoapBinding”.
> To whom should this be reported?
> Best regards,
> Rick Bullotta
> SAP Labs, LLC
Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2006 08:25:22 UTC