CFP: HotWeb -- IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies

Call for Papers

HotWeb 2006:
First IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies

Boston, Massachusetts, USA
November 13-15, 2006

****** Submission Deadline: June 15, 2006 ****** 

HotWeb is a forum that brings together researchers and practitioners
interested in the design, implementation, and evaluation of Internet
systems and applications. The workshop seeks to act as a conduit for the
presentation of novel approaches used in support of performance,
scalability, and security of Internet applications, including Web
searching and indexing, content distribution and delivery networks, Web
services, and edge and grid computing.  

Particular areas of interest include, but are not limited to: 

* Content delivery architectures	
* Peer-to-Peer systems
* Support for mobile and wireless systems
* Web caching and replication
* Edge services and dynamic content delivery
* Multimedia content distribution
* Content placement and request routing
* Overlay networks		
* Measurement studies of deployed systems
* Security and privacy
* Wide-area upload and content gathering
* Novel web-based applications
* Web/database integration
* Internet telephony
* Information retrieval and searching
* Electronic commerce

Papers describing timely research contributions in HotWeb's areas of
interest are solicited. Papers reporting on initial results as well as
papers discussing mature research projects or case studies of deployed
systems are equally sought out. 

Submitted papers must be neither previously published nor under review
by another workshop, conference or journal. Only electronic submissions
in PDF will be accepted. Submitted papers must be written in English,
must be no longer than 12 pages, must render without error using
standard PDF viewing tools, must print on US-Letter-sized paper, and
must conform to standard IEEE conference submission guidelines. 

To submit a paper to HotWeb 2006, please follow the instructions
available at the workshop's web site at:

Azer Bestavros, Boston University 

Bruce Maggs, Carnegie Mellon & Akamai 

* Pei Cao, Stanford
* Armando Fox, Stanford
* Arun Iyengar, IBM
* Leonidas Kontothanassis, Intel
* Bruce Maggs, Carnegie Mellon & Akamai 
* Venkat Padmanabhan, Microsoft
* Vivek Pai, Princeton
* Pablo Rodriquez Rodriquez, Microsoft
* Ramesh Sitaraman, U. Mass & Akamai
* Oliver Spatscheck, AT&T
* Andrew Tomkins, Yahoo!
* Steve Vinoski, IONA Technologies
* Tina Wong, Carnegie Mellon

* Azer Bestavros, Boston University
* Fred Douglis, IBM
* Jeff Dean, Google
* Arun Iyengar, IBM
* Michael Rabinovich, Case Western Reserve
* Pablo Rodriguez Rodriguez, Microsoft
* Prabhakar Raghavan, Yahoo!

* Submission Deadline: June 15, 2006
* Notification of Acceptance: July 31, 2006
* Camera Ready Due: September 15, 2006 
* Workshop: November 13-15, 2006


Received on Thursday, 18 May 2006 14:52:05 UTC