Web Services - Modeling and Testing, Palermo, June 9


International Workshop on "Web Services - Modeling and Testing

June 9, 2006, Palermo, Sicily (ITALY)

Web Services are today the default choice for solving the various
issues related to the organization and implementation of software
distribution. Technical solutions are becoming numerous and in the
next future we can figure out that the further adoption of common
agreed specifications will raise even more the interest from academia
and industries. However, while many current systems are concerned with
the migration towards the WS technology, well defined methodologies
for modeling service-oriented applications, and the impact of this
paradigm for what concerns analysis capability, remain still largely

WS-MaTe wants contribute to this investigation domain providing a 
place in which the aforementioned topics are going to be discussed
by authors of accepted papers, and by academia and industrial

WS-MaTe advanced program:

9.00  Registration 
9.15  Welcome and Opening Session 
9.30  Keynote - SOA: testing and self-checking 
      Gerardo Canfora and Massimiliano Di Penta
      (University of Sannio - Italy)
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Paper Session 1: Modeling 
  Paper 1: A conceptual model for adaptable context-aware services  
     M. Autili, V. Cortellessa, A. Di Marco, P. Inverardi
     (University of L'Aquila - Italy)
  Paper 2: Modeling of Reliable Messaging in Service Oriented
     László Gönczy, Daniel Varró 
     (Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Hungary)
  Paper 3: A Survey on Services Composition Languages and Models  
     Antonio Bucchiarone, Stefania Gnesi  
     (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione/CNR - Italy)
12.30 Lunch 
14.30 Paper Session 2: Testing 
  Paper 4: Towards Model-Based Testing of Web Services  
     Lars Frantzen, Jan Tretmans, René de Vries 
     (Radboud University Nijmegen - The Netherlands) 
  Paper 5: Generating test cases specifications for compositions of
           web services  
     José Garcia-Fanjul, Javier Tuya, Claudio de la Riva 
     (University of Oviedo - Spain)
  Paper 6: Initial Investigations into Interoperability Testing of
     Web Services from their Specification using UML 
     Colin Smythe (eLoki - United Kingdom)
16.00 Coffee Break
16.30 Paper Session 3: Composing 
  Paper 7: Detection of Web Service Substitutability and Composability 
     Michael Ernst, Jeff Perkins (MIT - USA) 
     Raimondas Lencevicius (Nokia - USA)
  Paper 8: Towards Efficient Matching of Semantic Web Service
     Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Anupam Kaul, Nikolaos Georgantas, Valerie
     (INRIA Rocquencourt - France)
17.30 Closing

The organisers want to thanks the members of the Program Committee for
their contribution to the event.

Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2006 18:14:54 UTC