2nd Call for participation: 3rd European Semantic Web Conference

2nd Call for participation
3rd European Semantic Web Conference
11 - 14 June 2006
Budva (Montenegro)

The ESWC conference invites International researchers, business  
leaders’ and academics to sign up for four days of stimulating  
discussions on the latest results in research and applications of  
Semantic Web Technologies. Sessions include specialised lectures,  
workshops, tutorials, demonstrations and poster sessions that focus  
on innovative research areas such as Ontology Management, Semantic  
Web Services or Semantic Desktop.

The Conference will be taking place from June 11th -14th on the  
beautiful Adriatic coastline of Budva, Montenegro.

Frank van Harmelen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): "Where does it  
break?" or "Why the Semantic Web is not just 'research as usual' "
Edward Hovy (Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern  
California): "Toward large-scale shallow semantics for higher-quality  
Anthony Jameson (DFKI and International University in Germany):  
"Usability and the Semantic Web"

All abstracts are available from http://www.eswc2006.org/


As an event at the forefront of Semantic Web research, ESWC 2006 is  
aiming to leave a significant semantic footprint. This legacy of the  
event will
include semantic markup generated from existing sources, annotations  
from delegates at the conference, and the experience of using leading  
Web applications to support a real event.
All participants in the conference can help create this legacy, and  
in return gain experience of the entire Semantic Web lifecycle from  
knowledge capture                to use and reuse. From now onwards  
there will be opportunities to contribute to the project by providing  
additional information and annotations when              registering,  
submitting camera-ready papers, and at the conference itself.

More information available at: http://www.eswc2006.org/technologies/

Online registration is available from http://www.eswc2006.org/ until  
May 26, 2006. Participants who register before April 15, 2006 can  
benefit from early bird special prices.

Early registration dates: February 15th - April 15th.
Early registration fees: Euros 335

To view all 48 accepted papers by title and author please visit   

York Sure (University of Karlsruhe, DE), sure@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de

John Domingue (Open University, UK), j.b.domingue@open.ac.uk

Valentina Tamma
Agent ART Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool
tel +44-151-794 6797
fax +44-151-794 3715

Received on Monday, 27 March 2006 15:10:55 UTC