CFP: ISWC 2006 Call for Posters and Demos

Apologies for duplicates.

============================CALL FOR PAPERS============================

                    Call for Posters and Demos
     Fifth International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2006)
                        November 5-9, 2006
  Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, Georgia, USA

ISWC 2006 will hold combined poster and demo sessions. In principle,
posters will be backed up with demos, and vice versa.

The Poster/Demo Session is an opportunity for presenting
late-breaking results, ongoing research projects, and speculative
or innovative work in progress. Posters and demos are intended to
provide authors and participants with the ability to connect with
each other and to engage in discussions about the work. Technical
posters, reports on Semantic Web software systems, descriptions of
completed work, and work in progress are all welcome.
Demonstrations are intended to showcase innovative Semantic Web
related implementations and technologies.

Authors must submit a two-page paper with a short
abstract for evaluation. The paper must clearly demonstrate
relevance to the Semantic Web. Submissions will be evaluated for
acceptability by the reviewers. Decisions about acceptance will be
based on relevance to the Semantic Web, originality, potential
significance, topicality and clarity. If a poster will be
accompanied by a live software demonstration, authors are
requested to submit an additional one-page explanation of the
demo, which will not be included in the Poster/Demo notes. Submit
the demo explanation as the third page of your two-page paper.

Full papers will not automatically be considered for the
Demo/Poster track; a separate poster submission must be made.
Authors submitting a full paper to another track in ISWC 2006,
may also submit the same work for consideration in the Demo/Poster
track, either before or after result notification for the full

For example, a demo can be provided for an accepted paper, or a
poster can be used to present work that was insufficiently mature
for the research track.

A detailed list of suggested topics can be found
in the calls for papers both for the research track and for the
semantic-web-in-use track. Posters and demos are intended to convey a
scientific result or work in progress and are not intended as
advertisements for software packages.

At least one of the Poster/Demo authors must be a registered
participant at the conference, and attend the Poster/Demo session
to present the work.

The abstracts for all accepted posters and demos will be given to
all conference attendees and published on the conference Web site.
They will not be included in the formal proceedings.

Posters and demos must be submitted in accordance with the

Please check the Website for detailed
submission and formatting information.

    July 14, 2006       Deadline for submission
    September 8, 2006   Notification of acceptance:
    September 29, 2006  Deadline of camera-ready paper

Received on Wednesday, 21 June 2006 11:04:21 UTC