[CFP] Call for Posters/Demos - Intl. Workshop on WIKI-BASED KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING

Apologies for cross-posting                #####################
---                                              ###############
#         International Workshop on                   #########
#                                                        ######
#            WIKI-BASED KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING              ####
#                    (WIBKE2006)                            ###
##                                                           ##
##             http://wibke2006.semwiki.org                  ##
###                August 21-23, 2006,                        #
###                   Odense, Denmark                         #
######                                                        #
###########           -> CALL FOR POSTERS / DEMOS  <-


* Poster/Demo submission deadline:       10th August 2006

* Workshop date:                         23th August 2006

* Second  Int.  Symposium  on Wikis   21-23th August 2006
** TALKS FROM: Ward Cunningham,
   Doug Engelbart, Angela Beesley,
   and many more!

* The ACM Hypertext Conference        23-25th August 2006

* Camera ready due:                    4th September 2006
  (yes, after the workshop)

* Methods employing the Wiki Way in knowledge engineering,
* Concepts and strategies for integrating domain experts
  and end users into the knowledge engineering process,
* Methods for automatic, Wiki-based knowledge elicitation
  from collaborative environments,
* Methods for supporting the creation of structured and
  (partially) formalised personal knowledge bases
* Policies, authentication and trust within agile collaborative
  knowledge engineering scenarios,
* Strategies and methods joining Web 2.0, Wiki and Semantic
   Web technologies for knowledge management purposes
* Semantic Wiki tools supporting semantic collaboration
* Semantic Wiki tools supporting personal knowledge management
* Wiki-driven applications enabling massively distributed
  knowledge elicitation,
* Requirements and use-cases for Web-scaled collaborative
  knowledge engineering in relation to Wiki technologies
* Applications of Semantic Wikis, e.g. in Bio-Medicine,
  Business, Software-Engineering
* Experience reports, best practices and guidelines in the
  aforementioned areas

* 1) Introduction to Semantic Wikis by organisers
* 2) Poster/Demo session
* 3) Moderated, focused discussion
** Interoperability
** The Future
** ... further topics
* Workshop proceedings will appear at CEUR Workshop Proceedings,
  ISSN 1613-0073

*  If  you  have  a  particular topic you would like to discuss in the
   third session, please contact the workshop chairs.

Kind regards,

  Max Völkel,
  Elena Paslaru,
  Sebastian Schaffert,
  Sören Auer


Received on Tuesday, 25 July 2006 17:44:16 UTC