W3C seminar — Using Web services: from infrastructure to semantics (6 March 2006)

It is our sincere pleasure to invite you at the W3C "Web services and
semantics" seminar to be held on Monday 6 March 06, at the Palais
Brongniart, central Paris (Bourse).

In the context of the WS2 IST project, W3C is organizing a morning of
presentations related to today's use of Web Services in the industry,
and about the integration of semantics in the Web services

W3C Members Amadeus, Canon, France Telecom, Nokia and W3C technical
staff will present and demonstrate the use of Web services
technologies in real world scenarios.

Agenda and details are available at:

Online registration (before 1 March) is at:


We are looking forward to seeing you in Paris,

Marie-Claire Forgue, W3C Europe Communications Director,
and Hugo Haas, W3C Web Services Activity Lead.

Hugo Haas - W3C
mailto:hugo@w3.org - http://www.w3.org/People/Hugo/

Received on Monday, 30 January 2006 14:36:30 UTC