CfP: RuleML 2006 - Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web

(Apologies for cross postings. Please send to interested colleagues and

               Second International Conference on
        Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web

	             Athens, Georgia, U.S.A.
                        9-10 November 2006 

Call For Papers 

Semantic Web technologies have matured to the point where they are
being adopted by many organizations for applications as diverse as
data integration, optimized search, and decision support. The
increasing use of the technology has resulted from mainstream
commercial software vendors providing solutions that support Semantic
Web technologies, and W3C making RDF and OWL standard recommendations.

It is widely recognized that rules are the next layer of focus within
the Semantic Web technology stack, and consequently interest and
activity in this area has grown rapidly over recent years. Semantic
Web rules would allow the integration, transformation and derivation
of data from numerous sources in a distributed, scalable, and
transparent manner.

The rules landscape features theoretical areas such as knowledge
representation (KR) and algorithms; design aspects of rule markup;
engineering of engines, translators, and other tools; standardization
efforts, such as the recent Rules Interchange Format activity at W3C
(; and applications.

Rules complement and extend ontologies on the Semantic Web. They can
be used in combination with ontologies, or as a means to specify
ontologies.  In these settings, rules can be used either in
conjunction with or as an alternative to description logics. Rules are
also frequently applied over ontologies, to draw inferences, express
constraints, specify policies, react to events, discover new
knowledge, transform data, etc. Rule markup languages enrich Web
ontologies by supporting publishing rules on the Web, exchange rules
between different systems and tools, share guidelines and policies,
merge and maintain rulebases, and more.

Meeting Format

The RuleML-2006 Conference is aimed to be the premiere scientific
forum for exchanging ideas on all aspects of rules for the Semantic
Web.  It follows on the heels of three successful workshops on the
topic, in 2002, 2003, and 2004, and the first RuleML conference that
took place in 2005.  Like its precursors, RuleML-2006 will be held in
collaboration with the International Semantic Web Conference
( and will be co-located with it. The
RuleML-2006 Conference will consist of both an academic track and an
industry track.

- Academic Track
Papers submitted to the academic track are expected to focus on
research related to the development and advancement of rule formalisms
for the Semantic Web. The work reported should be of foundational or
conceptual nature and will be judged according to the usual criteria
of novelty, significance, technical quality, etc.

- Industrial Track 
The industrial track is designed to encourage participation from
builders of rules engines and of practitioners who use rules for
e-business, information integration, and other areas of the Semantic
Web. It is not necessary for a Semantic Web rule engine to have been
deployed, although preference will be given to systems that have
adopted or are exploring the adoption of new rules technology such as
SWRL, RuleML or hybrid approaches to using DL or Datalog with Semantic
Technology. If systems have been deployed, preference will be given to
papers that have determined and measured figures of merit.

Topics of interest

We encourage submissions on all topics related to rules and rule
markup languages for the Semantic Web, including (but not limiting to)
the following:

  o  Rule-based policies: their specification, execution, and
  o  Combining rules (including active rules) with ontologies
  o  Reactive rules for the Semantic Web
  o  Complex event processing
  o  Event-driven/action rule languages and models
  o  Semantic Rule Management
  o  Extraction of rules from unstructured data sources
  o  Semantics of rule frameworks, which interoperate with RDF and OWL
  o  Rules and nonmonotonic reasoning
  o  Querying the semantic Web with rules
  o  Complexity of reasoning problems involving rules
  o  Languages, including standards (RuleML, SWRL, Jess, N3, F-logic,
  o  Execution models, rule engines, and environments 
  o  Implemented tools and systems for rules on the Semantic Web 
  o  Active rules for Semantic Web Services
  o  Uncertainty and fuzziness in rule-based systems
  o  Modeling of business rules and event-driven/active rules
  o  Rule-based software agents and the Semantic Web 
  o  E-contracting and automated negotiations with rule-based
     declarative strategies 
  o  Connecting event-driven and reactive rules to legacy knowledge
  o  Distributed rule bases
  o  Rule base validation, verification and exception handling on
     the Semantic Web


We invite articles of no more than 15 pages in length (the exact
format will be announced later) describing original completed work,
work in progress, or interesting problems or use cases. The page limit
includes title, abstract, and all figures, and references.  Submitted
papers will be fully refereed based on the originality and
significance of the ideas presented as well as on technical aspects.
Publication of the proceedings is planned by a major publisher.

Submissions should be made online in PDF format on the conference
submission site, which will be announced, by 22 May 2006 midnight
Hawaii time. Multiple submission is not allowed. Submissions should
clearly indicate the appropriate track (academic or industrial).

Important Dates 

  o   15 May 2006       -- Deadline for abstracts.
  o   22 May 2006       -- Deadline for paper submissions. 
  o   15 July 2006      -- Notification of acceptance. 
  o   21 August 2006    -- Final version of paper (camera-ready) due.
  o   16 September 2006 -- Early registration deadline for conference
  o   9-10 November 2006 - RuleML 2006

Conference Program Co-Chairs

  o Academic track

    *  Thomas Eiter, Technical University, Vienna, Austria
    *  Enrico Franconi, Free University of Bolzano, Italy

  o Industrial track

    *  Susie Stephens, Oracle, USA
    *  Ralph Hodgson, Top Quadrant, Inc., USA

Conference General Chair

    o  Michael Kifer, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA

Conference Publicity Chair

    o  Jos de Bruijn, DERI-Innsbruck, Austria

Steering Committee

    o  Asaf Adi, IBM, Israel
    o  Grigoris Antoniou, University of Crete, FORTH, Greece
    o  Harold Boley, National Research Council and University of
       New Brunswick, Canada
    o  Benjamin Grosof, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
    o  Mike Dean, BBN Technologies, USA
    o  Dieter Fensel, Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
       Ireland and Austria
    o  Michael Kifer, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    o  Steve Ross-Talbot, Pi4 Technologies, USA
    o  Suzette Stoutenburg, The MITRE Corporation, USA
    o  Said Tabet, RuleML Initiative and Macgregor Inc., USA
    o  Gerd Wagner, Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus,

Program Committee  

    o Academic track

       Jose Alferes, University Nova Lisbon, Portugal
       Chitta Baral, Arizona State University, USA
       Leo Bertossi, Carleton University, Canada
       Jos de Bruijn, DERI Innsbruck, Austria
       Andrea Cali, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
       Tran Cao Son, University of New Mexico, USA
       Carlos Damasio, Universtiy Nova Lisboa, Portugal
       Juergen Dix, TU Clausthal, Germany
       Guido Governatori, University of Queensland, Australia
       Pascal Hitzler, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
       Giovambattista Ianni, University of Calabria, Italy
       Georg Lausen, Freiburg University, Germany
       Nicola Leone, University of Calabria, Italy
       Thomas Lukasiewicz, University Roma La Sapienza, Italy
       Jan Maluszynski, Linkoping University, Sweden
       Massimo Marchiori, University of Venice, Italy
       Alberto Martelli, University of Torino, Italy
       Wolfgang May, University of Goettingen, Germany
       Boris Motik, FZI Karlsruhe, Germany
       Marie-Laure Mugnier, LIRMM, France
       Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S, Germany
       Axel Polleres, DERI Innsbruck, Austria
       Riccardo Rosati, University Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
       Marie-Christine Rousset, University of Grenoble, France
       Ulrike Sattler, University of Manchester, UK
       Sebastian Schaffert, Salzburg Research, Austria
       Michael Sintek, DFKI, Germany
       Umberto Straccia, CNR, Pisa, Italy
       VS Subrahmanian, University of Maryland, USA
       Terrance Swift, XSB, Inc., USA
       Hans Tompits, TU Vienna, Austria
       Dirk Vermeir, University of Brussels, Belgium
       Kewen Wang, Griffith University, Australia
       Guizhen Yang, SRI, USA

    o Industrial track

       Alain Leger, France Telecom, France
       Allen Ginsberg, Mitre, US
       Bill Andersen, Ontology Works, US
       Christian de Sainte Marie, ILOG, France
       Christine Golbreich, University Rennes, France
       Con Kenney, US FAA Agency, US
       Eric Neumann, Teranode, US
       Harold Solbrig, Mayo Clinic, US
       Jeff Pollock, Cerebra, US
       Jos De Roo, AGFA, The Netherlands
       Juergen Angele, Ontoprise, Germany
       Leo Orbst, Mitre, US
       Michael Bodkin, Lockheed Martin, US
       Michael Kifer, Stony Brook University, US
       Ora Lassila, Nokia, US
       Parsa Mirhaji, University of Texas Medical Center, US
       Rachel Yager, Citigroup, US
       Ralph Hodgson, TopQuadrant, US
       Ralph Traphoener, Empolis, Germany
       Ruediger Klein, Daimer-Chrysler, Germany
       Sidney Bailin, Knowledge Evolution, US
       Silvie Spreeuwenberg, LibRT, The Netherlands
       Susie Stephens, Oracle, US
       Yaser Bishr, Image Matters, US

Received on Thursday, 19 January 2006 16:58:03 UTC