CFP: Methods, Architectures and Technologies for e-Service Engineering (MATeS 06)

		Methods, Architectures and Technologies
		 for e-Service Engineering (MATeS 06)


                Palo Alto, California. July 11th, 2006

	Held in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on
        Web Engineering (ICWE2006)



E-Services are emerging as a new paradigm for business services delivery
developed by packaging core business processes and software applications
into services that can be deployed, sourced and managed on the web. The
e-Services approach employs emerging information and communication standards
such as XML, UDDI, WSDL and SOAP, enabling a plug & play architecture for
functionality sourcing and deployment, helping organizations to rapidly
build IT solutions and improve business agility. More recently, leading
industrial and academic research labs have elevated "Services Science" and
e-Services towards the status of a new discipline that melds business, IT
and engineering with the goal of increasing business responsiveness,
resiliency and focus (Services Science: A New Academic Discipline?,
Research Report, IBM, October 2004).

The major goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers,
disseminate and discuss the state-of-the-art and state-of-practice in
e-service development, and to articulate a new vision about the future of
e-services, with a focus not only on the enabling technologies but also on
methodological and architectural aspects. We expect as the three main
outcomes of the workshop:

(1) The discussion and dissemination of the current state-of-the-art and
    state-of-the-practice in e-service engineering (which could result in
    the edition of a white book with a major editorial company);
(2) The articulation and alignment of the methods, architectures and
    technologies underpinning the e-Service engineering research domain;
(3) The development of new links and research collaborations between
    research and practitioner groups working in e-Service engineering.

The workshop will cover most of the aspects involved in e-Service
engineering (development case studies, enterprise modeling approaches,
integration technologies, privacy and security, requirements engineering)
and will also focus on novel aspects such as patterns and reference
architectures, design methodologies and process and quality models. The
following list provides a non-exhaustive list of topics that will be
addressed in the workshop:

- e-Service Development Case Studies in CRM, ERP, SCM and e-Banking
- e-Service Enterprise Modeling Techniques (Value Chains, UML, workflow
   design, etc.)
- e-Service Integration Technologies (Web Services, Grid Services, Semantic
   Web Services, Ontologies, etc.)
- e-Service Privacy and Security Technologies
- e-Service Requirements Engineering Methods and Tools
- Patterns and Reference Architectures for e-Services
- Process Models and Frameworks for e-Service Development (Agile, RAD,
   Unbundling, etc)
- Quality Models for e-Services
- Quality and Cost Driven e-Service Matchmaking
- Service Coordination and Negotiation Frameworks
- Service Level Agreement Management Frameworks

Submissions will include cutting edge academic and industrial lab research
on methods, architectures and technologies for service engineering, and also
successful case studies, best practices and lessons learned about the
development and use of e-services in existing applications; as well as
vision papers about the future of e-service engineering in any of the
domains where this can be applied.

The objective of this workshop is to stimulate cross-discipline discussions.
Hence we will aim at having extensive time for discussion following each
presentation. Besides, we will encourage the presentation of applications
running under this paradigm. Finally, this workshop will be twinned with
SMI-WEP 2006 where both workshops will share work spaces, alternate event
sessions and develop a joint programme aimed at cross-fertilizing
discussions within both MATeS 2006 and  SMI-WEP 2006 participants.

Deadline for paper submissions:  April 15th, 2006.
Notification of acceptance:  May 13th 2006.
Camera ready deadline:  May 25th 2006.
Workshop: 11th July 2006

Interested authors should submit an electronic PDF version of their papers
to Pedro Sampaio (P.Sampaio at prior the paper submission
The first page of submitted papers should include: title, author
names, affiliations, postal addresses, electronic mail addresses, phone
numbers and fax numbers for all authors, and a brief abstract. All
correspondence will be sent to author mentioned as contact person in the
electronic title page (by default, the first author).
Submissions should not exceed 8 pages and should be formatted according
to the guidelines of the main conference (ACM format).
Accepted papers will appear in the ICWE Workshop Proceedings.

Organisation committee
Oscar Corcho - University of Manchester, UK.
Pedro Sampaio - University of Manchester, UK. (Primary contact)
Andreas Wombacher - University of Twente, Netherlands.

Academic Programme committee (prelimanry)
ˇ Pablo Castells, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (ES)
ˇ Mariano Cilia, Darmstadt University of Technology (GER)
ˇ Nikolay Diakov, CWI Amsterdam (NL)
ˇ Nicolas Gold, King’s College London (UK)
ˇ Anastasios Gounaris, Informatics and Telematics Institute (GR)
ˇ Alessandro F. Garcia, University of Lancaster (UK)
ˇ Birgit Hofreiter, University of Vienna, (A)
ˇ KJ Lin, University of California Irvine (USA)
ˇ Peri Loucopoulos, University of Manchester (UK)
ˇ Linda Macaulay, University of Manchester (UK)
ˇ Ronaldo Menezes, Florida Institute of Technology (USA)
ˇ Paulo Pinheiro da Silva, University of Texas, El Paso, (USA)
ˇ Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa (IL)
ˇ Tor Stĺlhane, Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology (NOR)
ˇ Sergio Tessaris, University of Bolzano, (IT)
ˇ Alexandre Vasconcelos, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, (BR)

Industrial Programme Committee (preliminary)
ˇ Melissa Bailey, UK IT Architect Board and IBM (UK)
ˇ José Luis Bas, Bankinter (ES)
ˇ Richard Benjamins, iSOCO (ES)
ˇ Andreas Geppert, Credit Suisse (SWI)
ˇ Yong He, China Mobile (CN)
ˇ Rubén Lara, AFI (ES)
ˇ Alain Légér, FranceTelecom R&D (FR)
ˇ Heiko Ludwig, TJ Watson, IBM (USA)
ˇ Mikel Lujan, Sun (USA)
ˇ Rudolf Ramler, SCCH (A)

Dr. Oscar Corcho
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Kilburn Building, Room 1.17
Oxford Road
Manchester (United Kingdom)
M13 9PL
Tel. +44 161 275 6821 (office)
     +44 7929 570 775 (mobile)
Fax. +44 161 275 6204

Received on Monday, 20 February 2006 19:00:56 UTC