Call for Papers and Demos: CKC Workshop - WWW2007

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Workshop on Social and Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge

at 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2007)

Banff, Canada
May 8, 2007

Paper submission deadline: 2 February 2007
Demo submission deadline: 12 February 2007


Have you ever tried developing a schema or ontology, or creating other
structured knowledge? Have you tried doing this task collaboratively with
your colleagues? How about with many of your colleagues as well as people
you've never met? Or anyone else in the world? Have you found the tools that
support these tasks? Do you have a list of requirements for such tools or
has your group developed tools to support collaborative acquisition of
structured knowledge in general and ontologies and schemas in particular?

We are soliciting contributions to the workshop on Social and Collaborative
Construction of Structured Knowledge. The great success of Web 2.0 is mainly
fuelled by an infrastructure that allows web users to easily create, share,
tag, and connect content and knowledge. Although the general topic of
integrating Web 2.0 with the Semantic Web has been and will be the focus of
high profile conference panels, we are still far from understanding how the
two topics relate to each other. In this workshop, we would like to explore
how the power of creating web content in a social environment can be used to
acquire, formalize and structure knowledge. The workshop will address the
topic of web-based collaborative construction of structured knowledge in
general, and ontology development in particular. So far, most of the tools
for ontology development and knowledge acquisition are stand-alone tools, or
tools designed to support work of small well-coordinated teams. This
workshop will investigate how best to use the "wisdom of the crowd" to
reduce time and cost of constructing and maintaining knowledge structures in
any language and level of complexity. We will discuss tools that support
various steps of the life cycle in the "open" collaborative development of
ontologies, from collective "brainstorming" to evaluation, maintenance and
extension of existing ontologies.

We solicit three types of contributions:

   1. Research papers analyzing the process of collaborative knowledge
acquisition, requirements for tool support, and case studies of
collaborative ontology-development projects. The topics relevant to this
discussion include issues related to collaborative construction of
structured knowledge and ontologies:
 	  * collaborative creation and editing of structured knowledge
	  * requirements for collaborative tools
	  * user-specific views of ontologies
	  * extracting structure and ontologies from tags and annotations
	  * evaluation of collaborative tools
	  * collaborative evaluation of ontologies
	  * user interfaces for collaborative tools for creating structured
	  * trust in collaborative construction of knowledge
	  * case studies of collaborative ontology-development project.

   2. Demos and working prototypes of systems that support social
collaborative construction of structured knowledge. The systems should fall
under the general description above. Furthermore, participants in the demo
session must commit to supporting the evaluation (see the next item). This
support will include working with the workshop organizers to develop a set
of tasks for the evaluation, instrumenting their tools to log basic usage
and contribution information. Please contact workshop co-chairs for more

   3. Evaluation of system demos submitted to the workshop. We expect that
all workshop participants (and, in particular paper and demo authors) to
participate in a formative evaluation of the demos submitted to the
workshop. The developers of the demo systems will make their systems
available to the workshop participants. The workshop organizers, together
with the demo developers, will create a list of tasks to use for the demo
evaluation and other details. The evaluation will run for 2 or 3 weeks
before the workshop and a good part of the workshop will be devoted to the
discussion of the evaluation, and a prize will be handed out to the most
informative review.

Accepted papers and demo descriptions will appear in the workshop
proceedings and will be included in the WWW2007 conference CD.



Paper submission: 2 February 2007
Notification of paper acceptance: 9 March 2007
Camera-ready papers: 26 March 2007
Demo submission: 12 February 2007
Notification of demo acceptance: 9 March 2007
Camera-ready demo description: 26 March 2007
Evaluation: 30 April 2007
Workshop: 8 May 2007



Research papers: up to 10 pages. Deadline is 2 February 2007.

Demos: descriptions of up to 4 pages, in the WWW2007 format; PDF submissions
only. Deadline is 12 February 2007. If you are planning to submit a demo,
then please email the workshop chairs as soon as possible and let them know
of your demo. 

All submissions need to be in PDF, and follows the WWW2007 format.
Submissions are to be made via the workshops submission web site:

Organizing committee


Natasha Noy (co-chair) Stanford University

Harith Alani (co-chair) University of Southampton

Gerd Stumme University of Kassel

Peter Mika Free University, Amsterdam

York Sure University of Karlsruhe

Denny Vrandecic University of Karlsruhe

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2006 11:25:13 UTC