RuleML-2006: Preliminary Program

(Apologies for cross posting. Please send to interested colleagues and

               Second International Conference on
        Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web

                     Athens, Georgia, U.S.A.
                        10-11 November 2006 

Preliminary Program

Day 1: November 10

08:45 - 09:00 Welcome
09.00 - 10.00 Keynote I

    * The limits and possibilities of combining  
      Description Logics and Datalog.
      Riccardo Rosati

10.00 - 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 - 11.30 Research Session I - Ontologies and rules:

    * Translating Ontologies from Predicate-based to Frame-based
      Languages (Jos de Bruijn and Stijn Heymans)

    * How to reason with OWL in a logic programming system (Markus  
      Krötzsch, Pascal Hitzler, Denny Vrandecic and Michael Sintek)

11.30 - 12.30 Research Session II - Rules and Interoperability

    * Combining ECA Rules with Process Algebras for the Semantic
      Web (Erik Behrends, Oliver Fritzen, Wolfgang May and Franz Schenk)

    * A Framework for Composition and Interoperation of Rules in the  
      Semantic Web (Enrico Pontelli, Chitta Baral and Tran Son)

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch
13.30 - 16.00 Tutorial I

    * Semantic Web Policies: Where are we and What is still Missing?
      Piero A. Bonatti, Daniel Olmedilla

16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break
16.30 - 18.30 Industry Session

    * Generating Rewrite Rules by Browsing RDF Data
      (Ora Lassila)

    * Semantic Information Integration with Software AGs Information  
      Integrator (Juergen Angele and Michael Gesmann)

    * BaseVISor: A Triples-Based Inference Engine Outfitted to
      Process RuleML and R-Entailment Rules (Christopher Matheus,
      Kenneth Baclawski and Mieczyslaw Kokar)

    * Applying Semantic Rules to Achieve Dynamic Service Oriented
      Architectures (Suzette Stoutenburg, Leo Obrst, Deborah
      Nichols, Ken Samuel and Paul Franklin)

20.00 - 22:00: Poster Session and Reception (food served)

Day 2: November 11

08.30 - 10:30 Ontology and Rule Integration Workshop

    * Workshop program TBA

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12.00 Fishbowl panel:

    * Challenges in Real World Applications of Rules and Ontologies.

12.00 - 13.00 Lunch
13.00 - 14.00 Keynote II

    * Rule-based intelligence in the Semantic Web -or-  
      "I'll settle for a web that's just not so dumb!"
      Dean Allemang

14:00 - 14:15 Coffee break
14.15 - 15.45 Research Session III - Uncertainty and rules

    * Fuzzy Description Logic Programs under the Answer Set
      Semantics (Thomas Lukasiewicz)

    * An Approach to Representing Uncertainty Rules in RuleML
      (Carlos Damasio, Jeff Pan, Giorgos Stoilos and Umberto

    * Learning Rules to Pre-process Web Data for Automatic
      Integration (Kai Simon, Thomas Hornung and Georg Lausen)

15.45 - 16.15 Coffee break
16.15 - 18.45 Tutorial II

    * Bridging Research and Practice - Making Real-World
      Application of Ontologies and Rules.
      Harold Boley, John Gilman, Holger Knublauch

Received on Thursday, 17 August 2006 08:41:22 UTC