(unknown charset) CFP: 2006 IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2006)

 				Call for Papers
 	2006 IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering
 		24-26 October, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
http://www.mis.coventry.ac.uk/research/dsm/icebe06 or http://www.icebe.org/2006

Sponsored by IEEE CS

with support of: Fudan University, China Research Lab and China Software 
Development Lab, The University of Hong Kong, School of Information Systems, 
Singapore Management University, Arizona State University,Coventry University

E-Business is one of most challenging areas for industry and research 
communities as it evolves from B2C to enterprise integration and collaboration. 
In this very dynamic environment, software and its related supporting platforms 
have to be rapidly formed and designed in order to meet different demands. A 
number of software engineering paradigms, IT concepts and technologies have 
been developed to tackle these challenges. However, there are many open 
research issues  that need to be addressed. So, a series of related conferences 
organised by the IEEE Technical Committee on E-Commerce have taken place
since 1998. The 2006 IEEE ICEBE is the latest of a successful series. The 2005 
IEEE ICEBE took place in Beijing, China. It attracted more than 420 quality 
submissions. Based on the received reviews, we accepted 72 full papers
for the research track, which amounts to an acceptance rate of 17%. In 
addition, we accepted 34 short papers, and 11 industry-track papers. The papers 
represented 18 countries around the world.

The 2006 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2006) 
is an international forum
for researchers and practitioners from different areas of computer science and 
information systems to exchange information on the enabling technologies and 
best practices for e-business, to identify emerging research topics, as well as 
to help shape the future of IT-transformed enterprise, government and commerce. 
The conference scope spans the areas of middleware, databases, MIS, Web, and 
multimedia. The main themes of this year’s conference will focus on:

 	 E-Commerce Models, Applications and Technologies
 	 Service Oriented Computing for E-Business
 	 Data and Knowledge Management for E-Business
 	 Mobile and Pervasive Commerce
 	 Security, Privacy and Open Source Technologies in E-Commerce/Business
 	 Industrial Track

The conference will take place on 24-26 October, 2006 at Fudan University, 
Shanghai, China. In addition to paper presentations from the delegates, the 
program includes keynote speeches, panel discussions, poster sessions, and two 
technical workshops. A demonstration session will be held for the delegates to 
share their research results. The conference will also schedule a job fair to 
provide a chance for the students and delegates to pursue their careers and for 
the companies to discover their future employees.  Two symposiums, the 2nd IEEE 
international Symposium on Service-Oriented Software Engineering and the 2nd 
International Symposium on Service-Oriented Applications, Integration and 
Collaboration will be co-located with the conference to stimulate discussions
over the issues related to service oriented architecture and E-Business.

Important Dates:
April 1, 2006		Abstract registration deadline May 1, 2006 Paper 
July 12, 2006		Notification of acceptance
August 25, 2006		Final manuscripts due
October 24, 2006	Conference starts

Organising Committee:

Honorary Chair:
Benjamin Wah		University of Illinois

General Chair:
Jen-Yao Chung		IBM T J Watson Research

Program Chair:
Wei-Tek Tsai		Arizona State University

Program Vice Chairs:
B. Benatallah		University of New South Wales
Dalu Zhang		Tongji University
Lihua Huang		Fudan University
Aad van Moorsel		University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Industry Track Chair:
Zhong Tian		IBM China Research Lab

Student Workshop Chair:
Hong Cai		IBM China Research Lab

Publicity Chairs:
Shonali Krishnaswamy	Monash University
Minglu Li		Shanghai Jiaotong University

Publication Chair:
M. Younas		Oxford Brookes University

International Organizing Chairs:
Binyu Zang		Fudan Univerisity (Chair)
Yinsheng Li		Fudan University
Kuo-Ming Chao		Coventry University
Yinong Chen		Arizona State University

Registration Chairs:
Lianjun An		IBM T J Watson Research Lab
Donglai Zhu 		Fudan University

Web Chairs:
Anthony Tam 		The University of Hong Kong
Xinyu Zhou 		Arizona State University

Special Issue Chairs:
C Shoniregun		University of East London
Omer Rana		Cardiff University

Advisory Board:
Josephine Cheng		IBM China Software Development Lab
Jen-Yao Chung		IBM T J Waston Research Lab (Chair)
H. Ghenniwa		University of Western Ontario
Francis Lau		The University of Hong Kong
Thomas Li		IBM China Research Lab
Kwei-Jay Lin		University of California, Irvine
Steven Miller		Singapore Management University
Erich Neuhold		Darmstadt University of Technology
Lionel Ni		Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Marcin Paprzycki	Warsaw School of Social Psychology
Weiming Shen		Canada National Research Council

Received on Thursday, 20 April 2006 22:15:46 UTC