- From: <gagnon@soa7.com>
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 18:01:53 -0700 (PDT)
- To: sobpi@dit.unitn.it
*********************************************************************** SOBPI'05 - Workshop on Service-Oriented Business Process Integration Apologies for cross-posting *********************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS International Workshop on SERVICE-ORIENTED BUSINESS PROCESSES INTEGRATION (SOBPI'05) http://elab.njit.edu/sobpi Held in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2005) December 12, 2005 Amsterdam, the Netherlands http://www.icsoc.org *********************************************************************** --- IMPORTANT DATES --- Papers submission >>> Extended to October, 14, 2005 (was Sept.30, 2005) Notification >>> Extended to October 31, 2005 (was Oct.21, 2005) Camera ready >>> November 11, 2005 Workshop >>> December 12, 2005 --- MOTIVATIONS --- A widely recognized trend in business and markets is the push towards the idea of companies and enterprises as networked organizations, which can gain profit from collaborations in the net, improving their flexibility, and reducing operational costs. This transformation requires the adoption of more collaborative working practices based on the integration of business processes within a wide community of business partners, suppliers, vendors, and public bodies. In parallel to this trend, service oriented technologies are transforming the web from an infrastructure for sharing information to a place where the networked organizations can meet to integrate their business interests. Service Oriented Computing (SOC) is currently the most promising technology supporting the development and execution of business processes that are distributed among the most disparate entities, both within an organization and across organizational borders. However, a practical industry-wide adoption of web services, to support the collaboration among networked organizations and the integration of their business process, is still an open challenge. This challenge can be addressed only by a tight integration of service-oriented development within new business models and new ways of management that are able to exploit new technological solutions. Moreover, web service technology is still emerging, and therefore their industry-wide adoption requires to inject research results within real industry practices, but, even more important, to drive research activities and roadmaps according to industrial needs. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and experts in business models and management and to promote cross-fertilization among their competencies, focusing on the usage of service oriented technologies to support the Business Processes Integration (BPI). The goal is to build bridges and convergences among the complementary views of experts in IT and service oriented technologies and experts in management, and the different approaches of academy and industry, to the problem of business processes integration. The emphasis of the workshop will be on the demonstration of the practical application of research results, and on the description of industrial case studies. --- FOCUS --- The workshop will seek contributions in the field of SOC for BPI. Papers can take the form of detailed case studies, technical white papers, new methodologies, new standard specifications, benchmarking models, or any other contributions demonstrating innovative applications of SOC for BPI. Topics may include, but are not limited to: 1. Development Methodologies and Tools: a. Service/Process Modeling, Deployment, and Testing b. Enterprise Architecture and Service/Process Definition c. Model Driven Architecture and Service/Process Reuse d. Process-Oriented Messaging Infrastructures e. Distributed Business Process Management 2. Adoption of Advanced Technologies: a. Intelligent Process Discovery and Integration b. Service/Process Composition c. Event Driven Architecture and Process Automation d. Integration of Services, Messaging, and Connectors e. Business Activity Monitoring and Quality of Service 3. Comparison of Implementation Platforms: a. Business Process Management b. Enterprise Service Bus c. Business Services Networks --- EVENT FORMAT --- The workshop will be highly interactive, and commentators will be exploited foster the discussion among participants with different backgrounds: each presentation will be followed by a short presentation of comments from a participant belonging to different areas of expertise, in order to bridge the ideas of the paper with a different viewpoint (e.g., each presentation on IT solutions will be followed by comments from industry experts and, vice-versa, presentations on case studies will be followed by comments on the research and technological challenges). --- PUBLICATIONS --- Proceedings will be published on the web while organizers make arrangements for both print and digital publication with a major publisher. In addition, best papers will be submitted for consideration as part of the “Special Issue on Business Process Management: from Engineering to Execution”, Guest Edi-tor: Prof. Angel Ortiz, Polytechnic niversity of Valencia, Spain, International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM), http://www.inderscience.com/browse/callpaper.php?callID=255 --- IMPORTANT DATES --- Papers submission >>> Extended to October, 14, 2005 (was Sept.30, 2005) Notification >>> Extended to October 31, 2005 (was Oct.21, 2005) Camera ready >>> November 11, 2005 Workshop >>> December 12, 2005 --- SUBMISSIONS --- Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished contributions. Papers should be written in English using Springer's LNCS style (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html), and must not exceed 15 pages. Shorter papers, presenting preliminary results, are welcome. Please submit papers electronically, using the workshop Web site, at http://elab.njit.edu/sobpisubmit. --- REGISTRATION --- For accepted submissions, at least one author must register for the workshop in order for the paper to appear in the proceedings and to be scheduled in the workshop pro-gram. Please register for the workshop at the ICSOC conference website (http://www.icsoc.org) before November 5, 2005. --- CONTACT INFORMATION --- Please direct all inquiries to <sobpi@dit.unitn.it>. --- CO-CHAIRS --- * Stephane Gagnon, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA * Heiko Ludwig, IBM Watson Research Center, USA * Marco Pistore, Univeristy of Trento, Italy * Wasim Sadiq, SAP Research Brisbane, Australia --- PROGRAM COMMITTEE --- * Morad Benyoucef, University of Ottawa, Canada * Antonio Brogi, University of Pisa, Italy * Jen-Yao Chung, IBM Watson Lab, USA * Marlon Dumas, Queensland University of Technology, Australia * Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria * Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria at Como, Italy * Oleg Gusikhin, Ford Research & Advanced Engineering, USA * Patrick Hung, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada * Anup Kumar, University of Louisville, USA * Angel Ortiz, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain * Katia Passerini, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA * Pascal Pecquet, University of Montpellier 1, France * Manfred Reichert, University of Twente, The Netherlands * Colette Rolland, University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France * Richard Soley, Object Management Group, USA * Cheickna Sylla, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA * Vladimir Tosic, Lakehead University, Canada * Hannes Werthner, University of Innsbruck & EC3 Vienna, Austria * Andreas Wombacher, University of Twente, The Netherlands * Dan Zhang, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada * Jia Zhang, Northern Illinois University, USA * Aoying Zhou, Fudan University, China
Received on Thursday, 6 October 2005 01:02:30 UTC