2nd Call for Tutorials: 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006)

Call for Tutorials for the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC  

			***Apologies for multiple postings***

                      C a l l   f o r   T u t o r i a l s
                3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006)
				11 - 14 June 2006
			       Budva (Montenegro)



The vision of the Semantic Web is to enhance todayís web via the  
of machine-processable meta data. The explicit representation of the  
of data, accompanied by domain theories (ontologies), will create a  
web that
provides a qualitatively new level of service - weaving together an  
large network of human knowledge complemented by machine inference. A  
of automated services will help users to achieve goals by accessing  
and pro-
viding information in a machine-understandable form. This process  
will ulti-
mately lead to knowledgeable systems based composed of specialized  
services and systems. Many technologies and methodologies are being  
within the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Human Language Technology,
Machine Learning, Databases, Distributed Systems, Software  
Engineering and
Information Systems which are able to contribute towards this vision.

The 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006) will showcase  
the latest
results in the research and application in semantic web technologies  
- including
knowledge mark-up languages, semantic web services, ontology  
management.  The
ESWC 2006 will also feature a special industry-oriented event  
providing European
industry with an opportunity to engage with the semantic web  
community in a
meaningful manner. For further information see the ESWC 2006 homepage at

In addition to the regular research and workshop programme, ESWC 2006  
tutorials on relevant topics of interest. A tutorial should present  
the state
of the art of a semantic web area enabling attendees to fully  
appreciate the
current issues, main schools of thought and possible application areas.
Proposals for tutorials are welcome for the ESWC 2006 topics of interest
(see bottom); tutorial proposals are requested to follow the submission
process defined below.


ESWC 2006 tutorials may be either for a full day or for a half day.  
Unless there
is a clear rationale we will give preference to half day tutorials  
over full day

Tutorials proposed for the ESWC 2006 should cover one topic in  
appropriate depth
(see ESWC 2006 topics below), and present this in a appropriate  
manner which
enables  attendees to fully comprehend and apply emerging Semantic  
Web techno-
logies. Although tutorials may focus entirely on theoretical aspects,  
we strongly
encourage hands-on sessions where appropriate.

Tutorial proposals should not exceed 5 pages in DIN A4 format and  
should contain
the following information:
- abstract (200 words maximum; to be published on ESWC 2006 website)
- tutorial description (aims, content, presentation style, technical  
- relevance of the tutorial to ESWC 2006
- outline of the tutorial content and schedule
- information on presenters (name, affiliation, expertise,  
experiences in teaching and
   in tutorial presentation)

Tutorial proposals are to be submitted to Michael Stollberg,
email: michael.stollberg@deri.org.

Submitted proposals that follow the above guidelines will be reviewed  
by the ESWC 2006
organizing committee with respect to the relevance of the topic, the  
content, and the
presentation style.

Important Dates:
- submission deadline for tutorial proposals: 28 November 2005
- notification of acceptance:		        19 December 2005
- tutorial hand-outs due:				31 March 2006
- tutorial presentation date: 				11 / 12 June 2006

For accepted tutorials, the presenters will need to submit the  
material for hand-outs (the
slide sets and / or additional information; software installation and  
usage guides for
practical hands-on sessions) to the organization committee for pre- 
printing and
placement on the ESWC 2006 website.

Accepted tutorials will receive 1 free registration to the ESWC 2006  
(full registration
incl. tutorial, workshop, conference, reception and conference dinner).

The topics of interest for tutorials include, but are not limited to  
the following:

- Ontology Management (e.g. creation, evolution, evaluation)
- Ontology Alignment (e.g. mapping, matching, merging, mediation and  
- Ontology Learning and Metadata Generation (including e.g. HLT and  
ML approaches)
- Multimedia and Semantic Web
- Semantic Annotation of Data
- Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights
- Semantic Web Rules and Query Languages
- Reasoning on the Web (e.g. scalability, fuzziness, distribution)
- Searching, Querying, Visualizing, Navigating and Browsing the  
Semantic Web
- Personalization and User Modelling
- User Interfaces and Semantic Web
- Semantic Grid and Middleware
- Semantic Web Services (e.g. description, discovery, invocation,  
- Semantic Web-based Knowledge Management (e.g. Semantic Desktop,  
Knowledge Portals)
- Semantic Web for e-Business, e-Culture, e-Government, e-Health, e- 
Learning, e-Science
- Database Technologies for the Semantic Web
- Data Semantics and Web Semantics
- Semantic Interoperability
- Semantic Web Mining

Michael Stollberg (DERI Austria), michael.stollberg@deri.org

Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2005 18:51:05 UTC