YR-SOC submissions: Deadline extened to 13 th March: late evening

Due to couple of requests, the deadline for submission has now been
extended to the 14th of March

Website Updated. 
        Prof. Amit Sheth's Keynote Abstract:
           Apologies for cross posting. Please forward to interested
                     colleagues, researchers and  students
                                  YR-SOC, 2005
            The First European Young Researchers Workshop on Service
                               Oriented Computing
                               21-22 April 2005,
                             De Montfort University
                                 Leicester, UK.
        The 2005 European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented
        Computing (SOC) is a first attempt to bring together PhD
        students, young researchers working in the industry and those
        who completed their doctoral studies within the past few years.
        Attendance at the workshop is open to all. The aim of the
        workshop is to build a reputable and respectable forum for young
        researchers with inputs from industry practitioners. The core
        objectives are to exchange information regarding advancements in
        the state of the art and practice of SOC, as well as to identify
        the emerging research topics and define the future trends in
        this domain. It is also planned to have 4 invited speakers to
        share their expert opinions on various aspects of SOC
        YR-SOC presentations will be selected according to originality,
        significance, and general interest. Selections will be on the
        basis of submitted 2-page abstracts. A booklet with the
        abstracts of the accepted presentations will be available at the
        workshop. After the workshop, the author(s) of each presentation
        will be invited to submit a full 10-15 page paper on the same
        topic. They will also be asked to write (anonymous) reviews of
        papers submitted by other authors on related topics; further
        reviewing, and the final selection of papers, will be carried
        out by the organisers. The volume of selected papers from the
        workshop will be published as a technical report (a suitable
        publisher will be found) by the end of August 2005. Authors are
        also encouraged to disseminate the results reported at YR-SOC by
        subsequent publication elsewhere. The workshop is partly funded
        by EPSRC.
        Submissions to the Poster and Demo Sessions are also invited
         The word ''service'' here encompasses web services, semantic
        web services and e-services. Topics of interest include, but are
        not limited to, the following: 
        - Mathematical foundations of SOC
        - Data management issues in SOC
        - Frameworks for building SOC applications 
        - Composite SOC creation and enabling infrastructures
        (e.g.,workflow technology) 
        - SOC composition, orchestration, and choreography 
        - SOC modelling & design 
        - Semantic Web, ontologies, and SOC 
        - Dynamic invocation mechanisms for SOC 
        - Contractual issues between provider and consumer of SOC 
        - Version management in SOC 
        - Customization of SOC 
        - SOC architecture 
        - SOC negotiation & agreement 
        - SOC discovery & selection 
        - UDDI and SOAP enhancements 
        - SOC and process management
        - Trust, security & privacy in SOC 
        - Scalability and performance of SOC 
        - SOC standards and technologies 
        - Automatic computing for SOC infrastructure 
        - Wireless web, mobility, and SOC 
        - SOC based Grid Computing and peer to peer computing 
        - SOC based applications for e-commerce 
        - Quality of service for SOC 
        - Multimedia applications using SOC 
        - Economics and pricing models of utility computing and SOC 
        - Resource management of SOC 
        - Solution management for SOC 
        - Adoption of SOC by organizations 
        - Case studies on SOC based applications 
        - Analysis, testing, and verification of Services
        Important Dates (all in 2005)
        10 March: Firm deadline for 2-page abstract submission
        30 March: Notification of abstract selection decision
        10 April: Final version of abstract due, Firrn deadline for
        poster and demo submission
        21 -22 April YR- SOC
        30 May: Firm deadline for 10-15 page paper submission
        15 July: Notification of paper selection decision
        30 July: Final version of paper due
        Registration fee for the workshop is £60 per participant. The
        fee includes a copy of abstract proceedings, tea/coffee, lunches
        on 21- 22 April, evening cocoktail and a social dinner on 21st
        evening. In order to register please send an email to
        Paper Submission
        2-page abstracts, posters and demos may be submitted by emailing
        them to Monika Solanki (monika@dmu.ac.uk), Barry Norton
        (B.Norton@dcs.shef.ac.uk) or Jose Luiz Fiadeiro
        (jose@fiadeiro.org). In the same email, please mention a
        (tentative) one liner theme or title of your research/thesis and
        the current stage of your research (e.g. 2nd year). If you have
        completed your doctoral thesis, please mention the year of
        Location and Organization 
         Leicester is centrally located, the largest city in the East
        Midlands and the tenth largest in the country. Leicester's
        history goes back to the Iron Age. Its importance was first
        recognised by the Romans and later by the Danes, who used it as
        a strategic stronghold to control the Midlands. Since then it
        has developed into a major commercial and manufacturing centre,
        known better for the diversity of its trade than for its
        dependence on a single industry. 
        The workshop will be held at STRL, De Montfort University. DMU
        is a dynamic organisation, formed from a diverse range of
        specialist institutions. Its long history of excellent teaching,
        learning and research is founded in the technical and trade
        education of the late 19th Century. Accommodation may be
        available in newly built halls of residence and also in a small
        selection of good quality hotels. A full social programme
        drawing on the culture of the area will complement the
        scientific event.
        Organising Committee
        Monika Solanki, De Montfort University, UK
        Barry Norton, University of Sheffield, UK
        Jose Luiz Fiadeiro, University of Leicester, UK
        Keynote Speakers
        Inagural Session: Prof. Amit Sheth, Univ. of Georgia and
        Semagix, Inc., United States
        Dr. Stefan Decker, DERI, Galway, Ireland
        Dr. Ali Arsanjani, IBM Corporation
        Program Committee
        Ali Arsanjani, IBM Corporation
        Amit Sheth, Univ. of Georgia and Semagix, Inc., United States
        Antonio Cau, De Montfort University, UK
        Christoph Bussler, (DERI), Galway, Ireland
        Charlie Abela, University of Malta
        Dave Robertson, University of Edinburgh
        Daniel Elenius, Linkoping University, Sweden
        Enrico Motta, KMI, UK
        Hussein Zedan, De Montfort University, UK
        Jeff J. Pan, University of Manchester
        Joachim Peer, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
        John Domingue, KMI, UK
        Jose Luiz Fiadeiro, University of Leicester, UK
        Katia Sycara, CMU, United States
        Liliana Cabral, KMI, UK
        Luís Andrade, ATX Software, Portugal
        Massimo Paolucci, CMU, United States
        Matthew Moran, (DERI), Galway, Ireland
        Naveen Srinivasan, CMU, United States
        Nickolaos Kavantzas, Oracle Corporation
        Oscar Cocho, ISOCO, Spain
        Ruben Lara, (DERI), Innsbruck
        Sanjiva Weerawarana, IBM Corporation
        Schahram Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna
        Stefan Decker, (DERI), Galway, Ireland
        Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz, Germany
        Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, University of Leicester
        Steve Battle, HP Labs, UK
        Terry Payne, University of SouthHampton, UK
        Monika Solanki
        Software Technology Research Laboratory(STRL)
        De Montfort University
        Gateway building, G4.63a 
        The Gateway 
        Leicester LE1 9BH, UK 
        phone: +44 (0)116 250 6170 intern: 6170 
        email: monika@dmu.ac.uk
        web: http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~monika

Received on Friday, 11 March 2005 10:54:45 UTC