CfP: 1st International Workshop on Web Service Choreography and Orchestration for Business Process Management

			***Apologies for multiple postings*** 

  			  ATTENTION - Extended Deadlines

		     Submission of Papers: April 1, 2005
		     Notification: 	   May 25, 2005
		     Final Version Due:    June 10, 2005
		     Workshop day: 	   September 5, 2005

                     C a l l   f o r   P a p e r s
                      1st INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON 


                      a workshop to be held at the

     3rd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM


                            Nancy, France
                      Monday, September 5th, 2005


This workshop aims to addresses research around methods, concepts,
languages and technologies for Choreography and Orchestration of Web 
Services with special focus on Web Service technologies and solutions 
for Business Process Management. 

In order to overcome the deficiencies of current BPM technologies, Web 
Services and Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) have been identified 
as the basic technical building block for the next generation of
business solutions. A Web Service offers a modular functionality, and
a seamless usage interface that hides technical details from a user
Web Services technologies shall allow automated discovery, composition, 
contracting, and execution of Web Services, thereby providing a new
nology for information systems. 
The current Web Service technology stack allows exchange of messages 
between Web Services (SOAP), describing the technical interface for 
consuming a Web Service (WSDL), and advertising a Web Services in a 
registry (UDDI). However, these technologies do not explicitly describe 
all aspects of a Web Service's functionality; neither do they provide 
support for the Semantic Web, i.e. descriptions on the meaning of the 
information to be interchanged between a Client and a Web Service. 
Consequently, the emerging concept of Semantic Web Services aims at 
providing more sophisticated support for automated discovery,
execution, as well as for monitoring and management of Web Services. 

The set up of the workshop intersects the research fields of BPM and 
Web Services. 

Further and actual information can be found at the workshop website:  

INVITED SPEAKER Wil van der Aalst is the invited speaker of the workshop. 
He will give a presentation on "Pattern in Interaction".


The following indicates the general focus of the workshop. However, 
related contributions are welcome as well. 

- Requirements on Choreography and Orchestration languages for BPM
- Choreography languages
- Orchestration languages
- Formal models for Choreography and Orchestration
- Practical applications of Choreography and Orchestration languages 
- Reasoning about Choreography and Orchestration 
- Web Service Conversation Models and Interaction Protocols 
- Web Service composition languages 
- Web Service composition techniques 
- Composition Engines 
- Interactions between service composition and execution 
- Contracting with Web Services 
- Reuse and versioning of services and compositions 
- Web Service Invocation and Execution 
- Mediation with Choreography and Orchestration


The workshop addresses researchers, professionals and industrial 
practitioners that work in the fields of Web Services and Business 
Process technologies. The workshop aims at establishing a starting 
point for closer collaboration and exchange in future work.


The program will occupy one full day, and will include presentations of 
papers selected from the full papers category (see 'submission' below). 

The workshop is open to all participants of the BPM. 

Please note that at least one author of each accepted submission must 
attend the workshop. The BPM 2005 conference formalities are applied 
for fees and respective organizational aspects. Submission of a paper 
is not required for attendance at the workshop. However, in the event 
that the workshop cannot accommodate all who would like to participate, 
those who have submitted a paper (in any category) will be given 
priority for registration.


Two categories of submissions are solicited:

(1) Full papers (up to 15 pages).
(2) Position papers (1-2 pages).

All submissions should be formatted in Springer's LNCS style 
and sent by e-mail to

Full papers should comprise a solid contribution. We emphasize that a 
larger word count does not necessarily confer any greater likelihood 
of acceptance; figures that help the reader to quickly grasp the essence

of complex material are strongly encouraged. 

Full papers will receive a peer-review. Position statements are intended

to present very early or planned future work that is regarded as
to the workshop. Position statements are limited to 2 pages; position 
statements will not receive a peer-review. 

Accepted full papers will be scheduled for a presentation at the 
workshop. Shorter full papers may be given appropriately shortened 
time slots.  In some cases, papers may be presented as part of 
themed discussion panels.

All accepted full papers as well as all position papers of attendees 
will published in the workshop proceedings 
(see further and actual information on the workshop website). 


Submission of Papers: April 1, 2005
Notification: 	      May 25, 2005
Final Version Due:    June 10, 2005
Workshop day: 	      September 5, 2005


Organizing Committee
- Christoph Bussler 	(DERI, Ireland)
- Alistair Duke 	(BT, UK)
- Dumitru Roman 	(DERI, Austria)
- Michael Stollberg 	(DERI, Austria)

Invited Speaker 

- Wil van der Aalst (Eindhoven University of Technology, The

Program Committee (alphabetically) 

- Wil van der Aalst (Eindhoven University of Technology, The
- Michael Altenhofen (SAP, Germany)  
- Boualem Benatallah (University of New South Wales, Australia)  
- Liliana Cabral (Open University, UK) 
- Fabio Casati (HP, USA) 
- Martin Chapman (Oracle Corporation, USA) 
- Jessica Chen-Burger (University of Edinburgh, UK) 
- Francisco Curbera (IBM, USA) 
- Peter Dadam (University of Ulm, Germany)
- John Davies (British Telecom, UK)  
- Marin Dimitrov (Ontotext, Bulgaria)  
- John Domingue (Open University, UK) 
- Dieter Fensel (DERI) 
- Ira Fuchs (QCC/CUNY, USA)
- Manfred Hauswirth (EPFL, Switzerland)  
- Martin Hepp (DERI Innsbruck, Austria)  
- Dimka Karastoyanova (TU Darmstadt / University of Stuttgart, Germany)

- Rania Khalaf (IBM Research, Hawthorn, USA) 
- Akhil Kumar (Penn State University, USA) 
- Dan Marinescu (University of Central Florida, USA)  
- Axel Martens (IBM Research, Hawthorn, USA) 
- Mike Papazoglou (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
- Axel Polleres (DERI Innsbruck, Austria)
- Olivier Perrin (University Nancy2, Frace)  
- Marco Pistore (University of Trento, Italy)  
- Chris Priest (HP, UK)  
- Dieter Roller (IBM & University of Stuttgart, Germany) 
- Steve Ross-Talbot (Enigmatec corporation, UK)  
- Satish Thatte (Microsoft, USA) 
- Ioan Toma (DERI Innsbruck, Austria)  
- Laurentiu Vasiliu (DERI, Ireland) 
- Alexander Wahler (Niwa Web Solutions, Austria) 
- Mathias Weske (HPI, Germany) 
- Michal Zaremba (DERI, Ireland) 

Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2005 12:24:29 UTC