CFP: International Conference on Service Oriented Computing 2005 (ICSOC' 05)

Dear colleague, we encourage you to send your contributions and participate to ICSOC'05.
As you will notice from the CFP and the Web site, this year we have planned several innovations 
in the ongoing effort to further improve the quality and attractiveness of what was already a 
very stimulating conference.

The main goal of ICSOC'05 is to foster integration among scientific communities working in 
the service-oriented computing area.


            CALL FOR PAPERS

    3rd International Conference on
     Service-Oriented Computing

     Amsterdam, the Netherlands 
        December 12-16, 2005


Service-oriented computing is the new emerging cross-disciplinary paradigm for distributed 
computing that is changing the way software applications are designed, architected, delivered 
and consumed. Services are autonomous, platform-independent computational elements that can be 
described, published, discovered, orchestrated and programmed using standard protocols for the 
purpose of building networks of collaborating applications distributed within and across 
organizational boundaries. 

Web Services are the current most promising technology based on the idea of service oriented 
computing. Web services provide the basis for the development and execution of business 
processes that are distributed over the network and available via standard interfaces and 

Combined with recent developments in the area of distributed systems, workflow management 
systems, business protocols and languages, services can provide the automated support needed for 
e-business collaboration and integration both at the data and business logic level. They also 
provide a sound support framework for developing complex business transaction sequences and 
business collaboration applications. 

The 3rd International Conference of Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'05) follows on the success 
of two previous editions in New York City, USA (2004) and Trento,  Italy (2003), and aims at 
consolidating as the main reference conference for service oriented computing and web services, 
by covering the entire spectrum from theoretical and foundational results to empirical 
evaluations as well as practical and industrial experiences. ICSOC'05 proposes several 
innovations to achieve this goal. 

== The ICSOC'05 Challenge: fostering "cross-communities" scientific excellence ==

Service oriented computing poses a number of research challenges that are intrinsically 
"transversal" to more established and traditional research fields. Main 
research challenges such as the composition, discovery, integration, monitoring, of services, 
their quality and security, methodologies supporting their development, evolution, adaptation, 
as well as their life-cycle management, are attracting the interest of researchers in very 
diverse communities, such as databases, software engineering, artificial intelligence, 
distributed and information systems just to name a few. ICSOC'05 has been thought with two goals 
in mind:

* Crossing the boundaries of the existing communities by attracting top level scientific 
contributions from different scientific communities, thus creating a scientific venue where 
participants can share ideas and compare their approaches to tackling the many still open common 
research challenges. 

* Establishing a link between research and industry. Due to the industrial relevance of many 
research challenges and service oriented technologies, ICSOC'05 inherits from previous editions 
a strong industrial presence, both in the conference organization and in the program. 
This year we have taken concrete steps to achieve these goals. We have introduced area 
coordinators, who have the key role of reaching out to the different scientific communities and 
to support the evaluation and selection of papers related to the diverse communities. Scientific 
communities of interest for ICSOC'05 include (but are not limited to) the following:

Security and Privacy
Software Engineering
Pervasive, Mobile, and P2P Systems
Information Systems
Automated Planning
Semantic Web Services
Software Agents
Formal Methods
WS management/Grid Computing

In addition, a vision program will provide presentations on ideas and projects that are very 
innovative and promising, but are still in their initial phase, and therefore did not yet 
develop solid results. 

A Demo program will act as a link between theory and practical applications, showing how 
research results can be put into practice.  Finally, a renewed review 
process will include a rebuttal phase to let authors provide feedback on the reviews and help 
achieve a fair and thorough evaluation of all papers.


ICSOC'05 seeks original papers in the field of web services and service oriented computing, from theoretical and foundational results to empirical evaluations as well as practical and industrial experiences, with the emphasis on results that contribute to solve the many still open research problems that are of significant impact to the field of service oriented applications. Topics include but are not limited to the following:

       Service Description 
       Service Discovery
       Service Composition
       Service Monitoring
       Service Deployment
       Service Middleware
       Service Oriented Architectures
       Service Development and Maintenance
       Programming models for Service Oriented Applications
       Methodologies for Service Oriented Applications
       Novel business models for service-oriented applications
       Economical implications of Web services and SOAs
       Formal Methods for Service Oriented Architectures
       Service Testing and Validation
       Service Lifecycle Management
       Service Metadata
       Semantic Web services
       Grid Services
       Mobile and Pervasive Services
       Quality of Services
       Business Process Management and Services
       Agents and Services
       Security and Privacy Issues 
       Exception Handling 
       Service dependability
       SLA modeling-management
       Service Oriented Architectures

One of the goals of the conference is to bring the academic and industrial research communities 
closer. To this end the conference solicits three kinds of submissions: research papers, 
industrial papers, and demo proposals. In addition, we solicit submission of workshops and 

* Research Papers: The conference is soliciting original research papers on all aspects of web 
services and service-oriented computing. The submissions should contain results which advance 
the state of the art in service oriented systems, either through theoretical analysis or 
experimental analysis. They should clearly establish the research contribution, the relevance to
service-oriented computing and the relation to prior research. For papers reporting experimental 
results, authors are encouraged to make the systems and the data available on the Web, and a 
system demo at the conference. Submitted papers will be judged according to their scientific 
merits and evaluated on significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition. Note that 
we encourage both computer science-oriented papers as well as business oriented papers. See 
below for submission details.

* Industrial and Application Papers: ICSOC'05 places a strong emphasis on its industrial program 
and encourages submissions covering the application of service-oriented computing in practice, 
including papers describing innovative service-based implementations, novel applications of 
service oriented technology, and major improvements to the state-of-practice. Actual case 
studies from practitioners emphasizing applications, service technology, system deployment, 
organizational ramifications, or business impact are especially welcomed. Industrial and 
application papers should give sufficient details on the application domain, on the service 
oriented techniques that have been used, on the issues surrounding actual implementations and 
applications, and on the lessons learned in developing service oriented applications. Because of 
the different evaluation criteria, authors must clearly indicate that their submissions are 
intended for the industrial track. 

* Vision papers: this year ICSOC includes a vision track, which includes papers describing 
innovative, visionary, and "bold" research even if it is not at a level of maturity typical of 
ICSOC research track papers. In ICSOC'05 this track will only include invited papers.

Beyond research and application papers, ICSOC'05 strongly encourages the submissions of 
proposals for presentations of demos. 

* Demonstration Program: We invite submissions for Demos to be included in the ICSOC'05 
Demonstration Program. This program is intended to showcase innovative service oriented related 
implementations and technologies. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their innovation,
 relevance, scientific contribution, industrial and application relevance. A short paper 
describing the demo should be submitted in electronic form to the Demonstrations Chair. 
The abstract should describe the technical content to be demonstrated as well as the 
architecture and the availability of the software. 

All papers should be submitted electronically in PDF and in Springer/LNCS format. Research and 
industrial papers are not to exceed 12 pages. Abstracts for research and application papers - 
not exceeding 200 words - need to be submitted one week prior to the paper submission deadline. 
Demo papers should not exceed 6 pages. All submissions should include title, authors, full 
contact information, and references. Submissions should indicate at least two main topics and 
the scientific area (or areas) that best fit the paper. Authors will be given the opportunity to 
submit a one-page reply, within one week, to answer to the reviewers' concerns. This is done in 
the effort to improve the paper selection process and make sure that papers are not rejected 
based on some misunderstanding or erroneous interpretation by the reviewers that is easy to 
correct in preparing the final version. All accepted papers will appear in the ICSOC'05 archival 
proceedings, published by Springer, and must! be formally presented at the 
conference, through oral presentations, and possibly through demonstrations.

ICSOC'05 solicits the submissions of proposals for Workshops and Tutorials:

* Workshop Proposal Submissions: ICSOC'05 solicits the submission of workshop proposals on any 
of the conference topics. We strongly encourage workshops on key research challenges that can 
contribute to the main two goals of ICSOC'05: 'cross the boundaries among different scientific 
communities and cross the boundaries among industry and research', by opening the possibility to 
participants to discuss and compare their approaches to problems of common interest. Workshop 
proposals should not exceed five pages, and should include a description of the workshop topic 
and the issues on which the workshop will focus, the motivation of why the workshop is of 
interest at this time, a description of the workshop format, the workshop duration, brief bios 
of the organizers, and a list of potential attendees. A one page abstract of the workshop must 
also be included, to be incorporated into the conference proceedings. Proposals should be 
submitted electronically to the Workshop Chair. Workshop proceedings will be made available to 
the participants attending the workshops.

* Tutorial Proposal Submissions: The ICSOC conference solicits the submission of high quality 
tutorial proposals on any of the conference topics. Tutorial proposals should not exceed 5 pages,
 and should include enough material to describe what is being covered and at which level of 
depth, as well as a description of the teaching methodology (lectures, hands-on sessions, ...). 
Proposals should also indicate the required background knowledge of the intended audience, the 
tutorial length (1.5 hours or 3 hours), as well as the name, contact information, and short bios 
of the speakers. A one page abstract of the tutorial must also be included, to be incorporated 
into the conference proceedings. Proposals should be submitted electronically to the Tutorial 
Chair. Tutorial notes will be made available to the tutorial participants.

The ICSCOC'05 proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag. 


Workshop proposal submission:  May 15, 2005
Paper abstract submission:     June 24, 2005
Tutorial and panel submission: July 1, 2005
Full paper submission:         July 1, 2005
Demo Proposals:                July 30, 2005
Notification of acceptance:    September 10, 2005
Final manuscript due:          October 3, 2005
Workshops and Tutorials:       December 12-13 2005 
Main conference:               December 14-16, 2005

Conference Web-site:
For more information please send e-mail to: 


General Chairs:   Paco Curbera, IBM Research (USA)
	          Mike Papazoglou, Univ. of Tilburg (Netherlands)
Program Chairs:   Fabio Casati, Hewlett-Packard (USA)
    	          Paolo Traverso, ITC-IRST (Italy)	
    	          Boualem Benatallah, UNSW (Australia)

Local Organization Chairs: Willem Jan van den Heuvel and 
	                   Kees Leune, Univ. of Tilburg (Netherlands)

Industrial Track Chairs: Jean Jacques Dubray, Attachmate (USA) 

Demo Chairs: Steve Vinoski, Iona (USA) and 

Panel Chairs:	TBD

Tutorial Chairs: Asit Dan, IBM Research (USA) and 
	         Vincenzo D'andrea, Univ. of Trento (Italy)

Workshop chairs: Frank Leymann, Univ. of Stuttgart (Germany) 

Financial Chair: Maurizio Marchese, Univ. of Trento (Italy) 

Publicity Chairs: Helen Paik, QUT, Brisbane (Australia), 
	          Shonali Krishnaswamy, Monash Univ (Australia), 
                  Michael Sheng, UNSW (Australia) 

Roger Barga, Microsoft    (Middleware)
Elisa Bertino, Purdue     (Security and Privacy)
Jim Blythe, ISI/USC       (Automated Planning)
Stefano Ceri, Politecnico di Milano (Databases)
Boi Faltings, EPFL                  (Software Agents)
Ian Foster - ANL & U. Chicago       (WS management/Grid Computing)
Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano (Software Engineering)
Richard Hull, Lucent Tech. (Semantic Web Services)
Hui Lei, IBM               (Pervasive, Mobile, and P2P Systems)
Ugo Montanari, Univ. Pisa  (Formal Methods)
John Mylopolous, University of Toronto  (Requirements Eng - Methodologies)
Colette Roland, University of Paris     (Information Systems)

Received on Monday, 7 March 2005 00:11:00 UTC