CFP: Workshop on WWW Service Composition with Semantic Web Services (wscomps '05)

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C a l l f o r P a p e r s

Workshop on WWW Service Composition
with Semantic Web Services
(wscomps '05)

a workshop to be held in conjunction with the

2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology
Compiegne, France
September 19, 2005


Composition of services in dynamic environments has received much 
interest for
its potential to support Business-to-Business (B2B) or Enterprise 
Integration (EAI). One dynamic environment – in particular where there 
is a huge
and rapidly growing number of heterogeneous services is the World Wide Web.
Recent efforts to develop ontology languages for the Web and ways of 
web services semantically in this environment have resulted in a number of
prototype systems that can dynamically combine services and invoke them.

There are many different types of architectures that have been developed 
the concept of a “service" - parties providing dynamic functionality to 
other parties.
As the number of services increases so does the need for service reuse 
and service
'composeability' - creation and provision of complex value-added 
services resulting
in composite services. Additional infrastructure may well need to be 
defined to
support composition in these open architectures.

This workshop aims to tackle the researach problems around methods, 
models, languages and technology that enables composition of services in 
the context
of the WWW. Of particular interest are the methodologies that enable 
automatic or
semiautomatic composition of services, semantic web service web 
services, and
e-services. This proposed workshop aims to bring together researchers 
and industry
attendees addressing many of these issues, and promote and foster a greater
understanding of how the composition of services in the context of WWW 
can assist
business to business and enterprise application integration.


The following indicates the general focus of the workshop. However,
related contributions are welcome as well.
- requirements on service composition with semantic web services for B2B 
- applications of WWW service composition with semantic web services
- web languages for describing services and their relevance to composition
- web-based composition languages
- choreography and orchestration languages
- workflow models and languages and their relevance to WWW service
- conversation models and languages for composed services
- applicability of agent technologies to WWW service composition
- formal models for service composition
- reasoning about service composition
- service composition engines and tools
- dynamic composition methods and algorithms
- discovery and matchmaking based dynamic composition
- execution and lifecycle management of composed services
- monitoring and recovery strategies for composed services
- security and privacy for composed services
- policies for composed services
- mediation in composed services
- reuse and versioning of services and compositions
- semantic approaches to composition
- composition modeling language standards
- relation between WWW service composition and GRID service composition


The program will occupy half day, and will include presentations of
papers selected from the full papers category (see 'submission' below).

Please note that at least one author of each accepted submission must
attend the workshop. The WI 2005 conference formalities are applied
for fees and respective organizational aspects. Submission of a paper
is not required for attendance at the workshop. However, in the event
that the workshop cannot accommodate all who would like to participate,
those who have submitted a paper (in any category) will be given
priority for registration.


Two categories of submissions are solicited:

(1) Full papers (up to 12 pages).
(2) Position papers (up to 2 pages).

All submissions should be formatted in IEEE 2-column format
(the slyle files can be downloaded from
The workshop will accept ONLY on-line submissions, containing PDF
(PostScript or MS-Word) versions and submitted at

Full papers will receive a peer-review. Position statements are intended
to present very early or planned future work that is regarded as relevant
to the workshop. Position statements are limited to 2 pages; position
statements will not receive a peer-review.

All accepted full papers as well as all position papers of attendees
will published in the workshop proceedings
(see further and actual information on the workshop website).


Submissions: July 15, 2005
Acceptance: August 7, 2005
Final copy: August 15, 2005
Workshops day: September 19, 2005


- Mark Burstein (BBN Technologies)
- Christoph Bussler (DERI, Ireland)
- Marco Pistore (University of Trento, Italy)
- Dumitru Roman (DERI Innsbruck, Austria)

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be extended)
- Marin Dimitrov (Ontotext, Bulgaria)
- John Domingue (Open University, UK)
- Dieter Fensel (DERI)
- Laurent Henocque (LISIS, France)
- Ryszard Kowalczyk (SWIN, Australia)
- Cesare Pautasso (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
- Axel Polleres (DERI Innsbruck, Austria)
- Chris Priest (HP, UK)
- Alexander Wahler (Niwa Web Solutions, Austria)
- Mathias Weske (HPI, Germany)

Note: Check the workshop web site for frequent updates to the PC members 

Received on Friday, 24 June 2005 03:38:18 UTC