NETTAB 2005 oral communications deadline postponed

Dear colleagues,

the deadline for the submission of abstracts for oral communications to
the NETTAB 2005 workshop on "Workflows management: new abilities for the
biological information overflow" has been postponed to next June 27 ,2005.

I'm therefore resending here some essential information on the workshop
and the Call for Papers.

Best regards. Paolo Romano

                               NETTAB 2005 
                         Workflows management:
            new abilities for the biological information overflow

                            5-7 October, 2005
               Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy 

                             CALL FOR PAPERS

NETTAB 2005 workshop is organized in sessions and open discussions.
Invited speakers will present the state of art of the session's topic,
a number of submissions will be accepted for oral presentation, and a
poster session is also foreseen.
Open discussions will also be based upon submitted issues and topics.

A call for position papers, posters and oral presentations is now open.
Information will soon be added to the web site.

Workshop topics

Submitted contributions should address one or more of the following topics: 

Technologies and technological platforms of interest to the field,
with emphasis on:
- Web Services (SOAP, WSDL, WSFL, UDDI, ....)
- Web Services Choreography and Orchestration
- Semantic Web (RDF, LSID, OWL, ...)
- comparison of available technologies, limitations, pros and cons
- Knowledge representation
- Biological data and knowledge modeling tools 
- Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics in Bioinformatics 

Workflow management systems in bioinformatics:
- implementations of web services
- implementations of registries
- reuse and versioning of web services and workflows
- workflow management systems
- web interfaces for accessing and executing workflows
- interactive systems to support work flows

Applications of workflow management systems in bioinformatics
- Methodologies for life sciences analysis:
  gene expression, genome annotation, mass spec peptide fragment
  identification, etc...
- Encoding of the above in workflows
- Case studies
- Scenarios and use cases

Submission of contributions

Authors are invited to submit: 

Oral Presentations: submit an extended abstract (4-5 A4 pages, size
  12pt, MS Word format). Abstracts will be reviewed and acceptance
  or rejection will be communicated to authors.
  All submissions for oral presentation which are not selected
  will automatically be considered for posters presentation. 

Posters: submit an extended abstract (2-3 A4 pages, size 12pt, MS Word
  format). Abstracts will be reviewed by relevance and acceptance or
  rejection will be communicated to authors.

Position papers: submit a short abstract (max 1 A4 pages in length,
  size 12pt, MS Word format) specifying research interests and issues
  to be debated during the workshop.
  Authors submitting position papers do not engage themselves to present
  a poster. Instead, they will be invited to introduce the issues they
  arose before open discussion sessions.

Abstracts can be submitted from May 1st, 2005, through the NETTAB 2005
Paper Review System availble at the workshop web site.

Contributions will be reviewed by the scientific committee for relevance,
clarity and novelty of results.

Accepted oral presentations, posters and position papers will be published
in the conference proceedings.
Authors of a selection of best papers will be asked to submit an extended
version of their paper in view of a joint submission to a peer-reviewed
international journal.


- Oral presentations due: June 27, 2005. 
- Notification to authors: July 29, 2005. 
- Posters and position papers due: August 26, 2005. 

- Early registration: August 26, 2005 

Paolo Romano (
Bioinformatics and Structural Proteomics
National Cancer Research Institute (IST)
Largo Rosanna Benzi, 10, I-16132, Genova, Italy
Tel: +39-010-5737-288  Fax: +39-010-5737-295

Received on Thursday, 16 June 2005 10:07:38 UTC