- From: Miltiadis Lytras <mdl@eltrun.gr>
- Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:02:16 +0200
- To: "Miltiadis Lytras" <mdl@eltrun.gr>
- Message-ID: <D518AD0B3F00324FB9D39202C4B7E6560B4611@cosmos.eltrun.gr>
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems Editor-in-Chief: Amit Sheth, Ph.D., University of Georgia, USA and Semagix, Inc., USA Executive Editor: Miltiadis D. Lytras, Academic Research Computer Technology Institute & Computers Engineering and Informatics Department, University of Patras, Greece ISSN: 1552-6283, E-ISSN: 1552-6291 Published: Quarterly Institutional: US $195.00, Individual: US $85.00 Electronic Only: Institutional US $145.00 Key Points: * Communicates high-quality research findings in the leading edge aspects of Semantic Web and Information Systems convergence * Discusses the Semantic Web as an indissoluble whole of new generation of technologies, frameworks, concepts and practices for supporting intelligent, innovative, and effective global and networked information systems * An official publication of the Information Resources Management Association Complimentary Inaugural Issue <http://www.idea-group.com/journals/free.sample.asp?ID=4625> Library Recommendation Form <http://www.idea-group.com/recommend.asp?ID=4625> Description: The International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems promotes a knowledge transfer channel where academics, practitioners and researchers can discuss, analyze, criticize, synthesize, communicate, elaborate, and simplify the promising vision of the Semantic Web in the context of information systems. IJSWIS establishes value-adding knowledge transfer and personal development channels in three distinctive areas: academia, industry, and government. Submissions: Interested contributors are asked to submit their manuscripts as an email attachment in Microsoft Word or RTF (Rich Text Format) to mdl@eltrun.gr <mailto:mdl@eltrun.gr> or lytras@ceid.upatras.gr <mailto:lytras@ceid.upatras.gr>. Very soon an on-line submission system will be available. The main body of the e-mail message should contain the title of the paper and the names and addresses of all authors. Manuscripts must be in English. The author' s name should not be included anywhere in the manuscript, except on the cover page. Manuscripts must also be accompanied by an abstract of 100-150 words, precisely summarizing the mission and object of the manuscript The publisher will publish the journal in both print and electronic formats. For more information on how to submit, go to www.idea-group.com/ijswis <http://www.idea-group.com/ijswis>. All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of: Dr. Miltiadis Lytras Email: mdl@eltrun.gr <mailto:mdl@eltrun.gr> or lytras@ceid.upatras.gr <mailto:lytras@ceid.upatras.gr> Papers of the following areas are invited: Full Research Papers Reviews should focus on the following guidelines when submitting full research papers: The key objective is the presentation of research outcomes and the length should be 4,000-8,000 words. The evaluation factors include 20% theoretical background, 40%significance of propositions, 20% quality of writing, and 20% discussion of implications. Research Papers Progress The key objective is to outline interesting future research outlets, while keeping the length from 3,000-3,500. The evaluation factors include 30% theoretical background, 30% methodology outlined, 20% quality of writing, and 20% research problem description. Case studies Reviewers should focus on the objective: discussion of real world implementations, while keeping it at the length of 4,000-5,000 words. Evaluation factors include: Research Issues (30%), Promotion of theory & Practice (30%), Discussion of outcomes (20%), and Quality of writing (20%). Literature Review Papers When submitting literature review papers, please focus on the main objective: Intensive Critiques of literature / Gaps for possible research. The evaluation factors will include: theoretical background (40%), critical thinking (20%), discussion of gaps in theory (20%), and quality of writing (20%). Critique of Clusters of SW projects Please keep the key objective as the evaluation of outcomes when submitting a 5,000-7,000 word critique. The evaluations factors will include: methodologies used (50%), discussion of performance gaps (30%), and the quality of writing (20%). Vision papers Please keep the key objective as crafting roadmaps for the future when submitting a 4,000-6,000 word paper. The evaluation factors will include: innovation (50%), theory and technology exploitation (20%), and the quality of writing (20%). Coverage: * Semantic Web issues, challenges and implications in each of the IS research streams * Real world applications towards the development of the knowledge society * New semantic Web enabled tools for the citizen, learner, organization, business * Semantic Web enabled business models, ROI matrices and measures, technology effectiveness, case studies, etc. * Semantic Web enabled information systems, esp. involving ontologies and knowledge bases * Integration with other disciplines: Semantic Web and Service Oriented Architectures (e.g., Semantic Web Services) * Standards, Methodologies, Tools, Techniques and Architectures enabling realization of Semantic Web * Semantics enabled business intelligence, e-services, e-commerce * Multidisciplinary approaches to realize Semantic Web (e.g, involving Information Retrieval, Linguistics, Knowledge Management, AI, database management, library sciences) * Beyond Semantic Web, e.g., extending meaning with perception and experience Associate Editors * Gottfried Vossen, University of Muenster, Germany * Ram Ramesh, SUNY at Buffalo, USA Editorial Board * Karl Aberer, Institute for Core Computing Science, Switzerland * Richard Benjamins, Intelligent Software Components, Spain * Francois Bry, University of Munich, Germany * Christoph Bussler, National University of Ireland, Ireland * Jorge Cardoso, University of Madeira, Portugal * Jesus Contreras, Intelligent Software Components, Spain * Oscar Corcho, Intelligent Software Components, Spain * John Davies, Next Generation Web Research, UK * Ming Dong, Wayne State University, USA * Dieter Fensel, University of Innsbruck, Austria * Farshad Fotouhi, Wayne State University, USA * William I. Grosky, University of Michigan, USA * Asuncion Gomez-Perez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain * James Hendler, University of Maryland, USA * Lakshmi S. Iyer, The University of North Carolina, USA * Ramesh Jain, Georgia Tech, USA * Henry M. Kim, York University, Canada * Kinshuk, Massey University, New Zealand * Rajiv Kishore, SUNY, USA * Ralf Klischewski, University of Hamburg, Germany * Henrik Legind Larsen, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark * Shiyong Lu, Wayne State University, USA * Ambjorn Naeve, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden * Lisa Neal, Tufts Medical School, USA * Nancy Pouloudi, Athens Univ. of Econ. and Business, Greece * Al Salam, The University of North Carolina, USA * Demetrios Sampson, University of Piraeus, Greece * Miguel-Angel Sicilia, University of Alcal, Spain * Rahul Singh, The University of North Carolina, USA * York Sure, Universitt Karlsruhe, Germany * Marinos Themistocleous, Brunel University, UK * Bhavani Thuraisingham, University of Texas, USA * Kim Veltman, Maastricht University, The Netherlands * Ubbo Visser, University of Bremen, Germany * Gerd Wagner, Eindhoven University of Tech., The Netherlands * Lina Zhou, University of Maryland, USA Pls contact Miltiadis D. Lytras at mdl@eltrun.gr or Lytras@ceid.upatras.gr for further inquiries. We would be happy to receive abstracts of potential contributors for guidance. Kindest Regards Miltiadis Dr. Miltiadis D. Lytras ------------------------------------------------- Association for Information Systems, SIG on Semantic Web and Information Systems AIS SIGSEMIS, http://www.sigsemis.org International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IDEA Group, http://www.idea-group.com/journals/details.asp?id=4625) International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL) - http://www.inderscience.com/ijkl/ International Journal of Learning and Change (IJLC)- http://www.inderscience.com/ijlc/ International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO)- http://www.inderscience.com/ijmso/ ------------------------------------------------- ECIS Track on Semantic Web and Information Systems: http://www.ecis2005.de/semantic.html AMCIS Track on Semantic E-Business http://www.ist.unomaha.edu/amcis2005/minitrack_description.php?minitrack_id=29 FOMI 2004: Formal Ontologies Meet Industry http://fandango.cs.unitn.it/fomi/ MSR'05:First on-Line conference on Metadata and Semantics Research: Approaches to Advanced Information Systems http://www.metadata-semantics.org/ ------------------------------------------------- > Computers Engineering and Informatics Department - CEID, University of Patras & > Academic Research Computer Technology Insitute - CTI, Patra, Greece > e-mail: lytras@ceid.upatras.gr > site: http://www.ceid.upatras.gr ; http://www.cti.gr -------------------------------------------------
Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2005 12:02:24 UTC